I have a mutilate
data in my Stan model, which is either 1 or 0. Depending on its value I want to either include or exclude a parameter/transformed parameter in my model. Here is a simple example. For simplicity, I reduced the dimensions to 1,
data {
int D; //number of data points
matrix[D, 1] u;
matrix[D, 1] x;
int <lower=0, upper=1> mutilate;
parameters {
matrix[1, 1] mu;
matrix[1, 1] alpha;
transformed parameters {
matrix[D, 1] x_loc;
vector[1] x_scale;
matrix[N, N] sigma_xx;
sigma_xx = alpha'*alpha + diag_matrix(rep_vector(1, N));
x_scale = sqrt(diagonal(sigma_xx));
for (i in 1:D){
x_loc[i, ] = u[i, ] * alpha;
model {
target += normal_lpdf(mu[1,] | 0, 10);
if (mutilate)
// do not modify
target += normal_lpdf(alpha[j, ] | 0, 1);
for (i in 1:D){
target += normal_lpdf(u[i, ] | mu[1,], 1); // likelihood
if (mutilate)
// do not modify target with an x likelihood, x is a constant.
target += normal_lpdf(x[i, ] | x_loc[i, ], x_scale);
I want to put a condition on parameter alpha
and x, if mutilated is 1 I want to include alpha, x, x_loc, x_scale, and sigma_xx in my model, and if mutilated is 0, I want to exclude them. How can I do that? I already put a condition on x inside the model block, but I don’t know how I can do that inside the parameters
and transformed parameters