I’m comparing a series of models that are nested within a maximally complex model. For simplicity, imagine I want to consider two models, one in which the parameter mu is constrained to a single value across levels of stratum, and a “random intercept model” where observations in each stratum have mean mu_stratum, which is normally distributed about mu. Ideally I’d have something like this:
data {
int<lower=0,upper=1> INCLUDE_RANDOM_INTERCEPT;
parameters {
vector[N] mu_stratum;
real<lower=0> sd_mu_stratum;
transformed parameters {
for (i in 1:N) {
mu_stratum[i] = mu;
model {
mu_stratum ~ normal(mu, sd_mu_stratum);
However, I can’t have conditional parameter definitions or set transformed parameters to a single global value. The only way I can get something like this to work is to force sd_mu_stratum to be very small when the flag is off, but that feels hacky. Is there a nice way to do this?
Actually maybe you don’t even need the transformed parameter mu_equal from my example. You could just use mu in the model block if INCLUDE_RANDOM_INTERCEPT == 0.
Oh wow, I didn’t know about the length zero array business, that’s really nifty. A very clean way of ensuring you create a bunch of parameters that you have to place priors on but don’t contribute to the likelihood otherwise.
I’m afraid there’s not a nice way to do exactly what you’re asking, which is to pin variables declared as parameters to specific variables. All you can do is the kind of thing @Jonah’s suggesting. There’s a slight hitch—@Jonah gave you the centered parameterization, which will only work if you have tight priors and/or a lot of data. Otherwise, you need to do something like the following, which will use a non-centered parameterization. It takes in arguments for the fixed priors—those will be ignored if vary == 1. Then mu_mu and sd_mu will be of size 0 if vary = 0.
data {
int<lower=0, upper=1> vary;
int<lower=0> N; // number of vars
real mu_mu_fixed; // prior location if non-varying
real sigma_mu_fixed; // prior scale if non-varying
parameters {
vector[vary ? N : 1] mu_raw;
vector[vary] mu_mu; // prior location if varying, if not size = 0
vector<lower=0>[vary] sd_mu; // prior sd if varying, if not size = 0
transformed parameters {
vector[N] mu;
if (vary) {
mu = mu_mu[1] + sd_mu[1] * mu_raw;
} else {
mu = rep_vector(mu_mu_fixed + sd_mu_fixed * mu_raw, N);
model {
mu_raw ~ normal(0, 1);
Then you write the rest of the model using the transformed parameter mu of size N for convenience.
I see, this works just fine. You’re right, it is a bit cumbersome relative to some sort of macro for pinning the parameters, but this is much more efficicent than my hack, which was also slow because you end up sampling a bunch of latent variables you don’t actually use
@Bob_Carpenter good point about the parameterization. It’s definitely a bit uglier with the non-centered parameterization, but that’s usually the one we want.