So, I am currently in search for suitable priors for my hierarchical gamma regression model for a cognitive task where human participants retrieve object locations in an area (measured: distance to true location as Euclidean distance). I therefore thought the Gamma distribution might be a good choice but I really struggle to get prior predictive check with the priors that I choose that doesn’t come with divergences.
Facts, about the data/model
- y > 0 & y < 153
- x is scaled to have mean of 0 and SD of 0.5
- Because I don’t have strong reasons to assume a direction, I want the prior for x to be symmetrical around zero. For a different model, I would expect y to get lower and lower and use a skew normal distribution, for which I have the same issues as in this example here.
Because I struggled so much, I just coded up a simple manual version of prior predictive check that uses this formula:
So, I use this equation to draw what the relationships would look like for a simple regression model with parameters as specified in he priors (Note: intercept chosen based on the mean of simulation)
# Translate priors into mean & sd
# Intercept
m1 <- log(70.89713)
sd1 <- 0.1
# beta1
m2 <- 0
sd2 <- 0.5
n <- 100 # data points
percentile <- 0.05
# Create beta based the percentiles
betas0 <- c(qnorm(percentile, mean = m1, sd = sd1), m1, qnorm(1-percentile, mean = m1, sd = sd1))
betas1 <- c(qnorm(percentile, mean = m2, sd = sd2), m2, qnorm(1-percentile, mean = m2, sd = sd2))
betas0_lab <- paste0("beta0_", c(percentile, 0.5, 1 - percentile))
betas1_lab <- paste0("beta1_", c(percentile, 0.5, 1 - percentile))
# Make sure to sample everything with everything
params <- expand.grid(betas0, betas1)
names(params) <- c("beta0", "beta1")
params_lab <- expand.grid(betas0_lab, betas1_lab)
names(params_lab) <- c("beta0", "beta1")
# Keep x for each beta
x <- scale_m0_sd0.5(runif(n))
# Create empty data.frame
manual_prior_check <- data.frame(beta0 = integer(0), beta1 = integer(0), x = integer(0), y = integer(0))
# Create the data
for(i in 1:nrow(params)){
# Generate the data and add to data frame
manual_prior_check <- rbind(manual_prior_check, data.frame(beta1 = params_lab[i, 1],
beta0 = params_lab[i, 2],
x = x,
y = exp(params[i, 1] + params[i, 2]* x)))
The 9 lines that are shown here correspond to true relationship created by using the betas. For visualisation, I plotted the mean of the corresponding distributions, the 5th and 95th percentile. I think that looks relatively reasonable to me but when I try to run prior predictive checks for my data that should look like this via
# Set brms priors
priors2 <- c(prior(normal(4.26123, 0.1), class = "Intercept", lb = 0, ub = log(153)),
prior(normal(0, 0.5), class = "b"))
# Fit brms model
currentModel <- brm(euclideanDistance | trunc(ub = 153) ~ s_start2centre + (s_start2centre | subject),
data = OLM_7T_retrieval, family = Gamma(link = "log"),
prior = priors2,
sample_prior = "only", seed = 1234,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99999, max_treedepth = 20),
backend = "cmdstanr",
silent = 2,
refresh = 0)
I always get divergent transitions. Why is that? Also the conditional plot looks like this:
Why is the blue mean line at the bottom? Do I do something horribly wrong? I am really confused at the moment.
Things that do not seem to make a difference:
- Removing the random effects
- Removing the truncation
Additional information:
- Operating System: Windows 10
- brms Version: