Hi everyone,
I’m trying to run a multinomial logistic regression model in brms and am struggling to set priors. I only have 3000 data points (actually a lot of data in my field, but not for statistical modelling), so I’m worried that if I use flat priors, the estimates are going to be skewed to make the differences between categories look smaller than they actually are. As I’m still trying to get the basics down, my model at this point is very simple:
mdl ← brm (A ~ B + (1 + B | participant), dataset, family = categorical(), cores = 4, backend = “cmdstanr”)
with A being the categorical outcome variable with 12 levels,
B being a categorical predictor variable with 2 levels,
and participant also being a categorical variable.
The random effect is intended to give both random slopes and intercepts; the backend specification makes the model run a little bit faster (sidenote: I feel like my model is still running pretty slowly considering the size of my data set and the simplicity of the model, but that’s an issue for another post perhaps.)
As I said, I would like to add somewhat informative priors to the model. There is no previous research I can lean on for priors (working on a rather specific topic within a small field) and my expectations are rather vague (of the kind ‘this category of A likely appears more often under condition 1 of B than condition 2 of B). Since prior specification needs actual numbers and a distribution, I’m not really sure how to even approach that with a categorical outcome variable. I also want to eventually build the model up to include more predictor variables (mostly categorical) and random effects (all categorical, one ordered).
Any advice or pointers towards other studies dealing with prior specification for categorical outcome variables would be much appreciated!
Operating system: macOS Ventura 13.6.1
R Version: 4.2.1 (note: I’m aware that this is not the most recent R Version, but brms was not working with 4.4.1, so I reverted back to the last version I successfully used brms with.)
R Studio Version: 2024. 04.2+764
brms Version: 2.21.0
cmdstanr Version: 0.8.1 (CmdStan: 2.35.0)