Power analysis on hierarchical model


I have a process where there is always a resampling (from the same conditions) and would like to perform power analysis using the following hierarchical model, resp ~ 1 + (1|r1_lvl) where r1_lvl has only two groups (1st and 2nd sample)

So I am trying to expand this example. At the end I’m comparing my results with the power.t.test results to see the value of hierarchical modelling in this case.

When I have a a total size of 9 individuals

  • I get power of >99% using power.t.test but
  • with the hierarchical model the power is 6% even when the group-sd is extremely small.

Here is the code,

#Function to generate data with suitable structure for hierarchical model

dat_fun <- function(seed,  
                   nr_of_groups = 1000,
                   units_per_resample = c(nr1 = 6, nr2 = 3),
                   mu = 0, # true mean
                   sd_r1 = 0.5, # reproducibility error
                   sd_r2 = 1.6  # repeatability error
    r1_lvl <- rep(LETTERS[1:nr_of_groups], times = units_per_resample)
    r1_eff <- rnorm(nr_of_groups, 0, sd_r1) 
    r1_eff2 <- rep(r1_eff, times = units_per_resample)
    r2_eff <- rnorm(units_per_resample %>% sum, 0, sd_r2)
    dat_f <- data.frame(r1_lvl, r1_eff2, r2_eff) 
    dat_f$resp <- with(dat_f, mu + r1_eff2 + r2_eff ) 
    return(dat_f %>% as_tibble)

The base model for the power analysis

prior1t <- c(prior(normal(0, 5), class = 'Intercept'),
            prior(exponential(.1), class = 'sd'),
            prior(exponential(.1), class = 'sigma'),
            prior("exponential(1.0/29)", class = 'nu'))

#As it will be fit several times I mute the automatic messages
#I'm using the student family as I would like something like Kruschke’s BEST
reference_2t <- brm(resp ~ 1 + (1|r1_lvl),
            data = dat_fun(1, nr_of_groups = 2, units_per_resample = c(6, 3)),
            prior = prior1t,
            chains = 3, cores = 3,
            silent = 2, 
            refresh = 0)
# Simulate multiple samples and 
# Re-fit new samples
# The first part is the same to the dat_fun() then 
# there is the part to update the model and get the estimates with the Q2.5 and Q97.5

sim_d_and_fit <- function(seed, 
                   nr_of_groups = NULL,
                   units_per_resample = NULL, 
                   mu = NULL,       # true mean
                   reprod = NULL,   # reproducibility error
                   repeatab = NULL, # repeatability error
                   model = NULL
    r1_lvl <- rep(LETTERS[1:nr_of_groups], times = units_per_resample)
    r1_eff <- rnorm(nr_of_groups, 0, reprod) 
    r1_eff2 <- rep(r1_eff, times = units_per_resample)
    r2_eff <- rnorm(units_per_resample %>% sum, 0, repeatab)
    dat_f <- data.frame(r1_lvl, r1_eff2, r2_eff) 
    dat_f$resp <- with(dat_f, mu + r1_eff2 + r2_eff ) 
  updated_fit <- update(model, newdata = dat_f)
  tb_ft <- updated_fit %>% post_sample %>% as.data.frame %>% 
    rownames_to_column(var = 'param') %>% 
    filter(!grepl('lp', param)) 

# Function to get the posterior samples from the brm model - part of the above fun
post_sample <- function(x, ...)(posterior_summary(as.data.frame(x), ...))

The map function will rerun the above sim_d_and_fit

# Function to apply multiple times (n_sim) the sim_d_and_fit() function
multiple_fits_fun <- function(x, n_sim = 5, ...){
  tibble(seed = sample(1:1e9, n_sim)) %>% 
  mutate(b1 = map(seed, sim_d_and_fit, ...)) %>% 
  unnest(b1) %>% return

Tibble with the arguments I want to run the power analysis
Here I have,

  • two different sample sizes
    A. total of 9 samples (1st sample 6 & resample 3)
    B. total of 18 samples (1st sample 6 & 2nd sample 12)
  • two reproducibility errors - 0.9 and 0.1 (which should have minimal effect)
  • tested in 1000 simulated dataset each

testing_space <- tibble(
                        n_sim = 2) %>%
  expand_grid(units_per_resample = list(c(6, 3), c(6, 12)),
              reprod = c(0.9, 0.1), 
              repeatab = 0.9,
              mu =  1.87, 
              nr_of_groups = 2) %>%
  mutate(case_nr = row_number())
testing_space %>% as.data.frame

For each row of the above tibble I fit the multiple_fits_fun

testing_space_t <- testing_space %>% rowwise %>%
    multiple_fits_fun(n_sim = n_sim, 
                        mu = mu, 
                        reprod = reprod, # reproducibility error
                        repeatab = repeatab, 
                        units_per_resample = units_per_resample,
                        nr_of_groups = nr_of_groups,
                        model = reference_2t) %>% # Mind the model
            nest(dat = everything())) %>%
  unnest('dat') %>% 
  mutate(units_per_resample = as.character(units_per_resample)) 

Now I estimate and plot the power with the following

sim <- testing_space_t

sim_pwr <-  sim %>% filter(param == 'b_Intercept') %>%
  mutate(check = ifelse(Q2.5 > 0 | Q97.5 <0 , 1, 0)) %>% 
  group_by(case_nr, units_per_resample, reprod, repeatab, mu) %>%
  summarise(power =  mean(check), 
            reprod = unique(reprod), repeatab = unique(repeatab), 
            units_per_resample = unique(units_per_resample))

sim_pwr %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = case_nr, y = power, colour = reprod )) +
  geom_line() + 
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~units_per_resample, scales = 'free_x') +
  ggtitle('Weakly informative prior')


And the results after 1000 runs per case are below.

  case_nr units_per_resample reprod repeatab    mu power
    <int> <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1       1 c(6, 3)               0.9    0.875  1.87 0.062
2       2 c(6, 3)               0.1    0.875  1.87 0.068
3       3 c(6, 12)              0.9    0.875  1.87 0.144
4       4 c(6, 12)              0.1    0.875  1.87 0.32

If we compare with a simple power analysis of 9 samples we get

  n = 9,  
  sd =  0.9, 
  delta =  1.87,
  alternative = "two.sided",
  type = "one.sample", 
  sig.level = 0.05)

     One-sample t test power calculation 

              n = 9
          delta = 1.87
             sd = 0.9
      sig.level = 0.05
          power = 0.9996893
    alternative = two.sided

How is possible to get so big differences in the outcome of the two methods (6% vs >99%)?

I don’t have time right now to understand the simulation, but note that the t-test that you compute in the frequntist approach assumes a gaussian generative model (the generative model is gaussian; the thing that is t-distributed is the test statistic), whereas the model that you fit in brms assumes a t-distributed generative model.

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