Several post-doc / research fellow positions in probabilistic modeling and Bayesian workflow in Finland DL 25th January 2021
I’m co-supervising topics
- Prior constraints in probabilistic programming
- Visualization in modeling workflow
- Computer assisted Bayesian workflow
and there are plenty of other Bayesian modeling related topics such as
- Computational cognitive models for AI assistance
- AI-assisted modelling of dynamic interactional data
- Data augmentation, noise and active learning — A Bayesian brain approach
- Bayesian deep active learning for amortized inference of simulator models
- Fast active-sampling approximate Bayesian inference for everyone
- AI-assisted design of experiments and interventions
- Probabilistic modelling and Bayesian machine learning
- Bayesian deep learning
- Deep generative modeling for biomedicine and genomics
and 40 other topics in CS/ICT. As you can see from the amount of Bayesian related topics the Aalto University and University of Helsinki has a big community of Bayesians with lot of interaction.
See more information and how to apply at Postdoctoral Researcher and Research Fellow Positions in ICT (Helsinki, Finland) – Helsinki Institute for Information Technology | HIIT