Post-doctoral position in theoretical Bayesian modeling in France (Ecole Polytechnique)

Hi, we have a post-doc position starting in Paris area, on building new methodologies for objectivize informative Bayesian modeling (parametric) for many applications. It can start before next summer. See the details here:

Thanks for advertising here. The group of Bayesian and MCMC researchers in the greater Paris area is really fantastic—I spend a lot of time there.

Is the “objective” here in the sense of “objective Bayes”—your Habilitation seems to indicate the objectivity in question is about priors.

Hi Bob, thanks for your comment.
Your assumption is correct, the “objective” here means that we want to have formal rules (like in Objective Bayes) to produce priors, but these rules should be made such that many expected properties of informative priors are respected, as prior data agreement, hyperparametrization through prior ESS, or topological convergence towards reference noninformative priors.

Thanks for the clarification!