Another entry in my ongoing mission to model some physiological data in which the heart beat induces quasi-regular changes in the data. I’ve managed to get a version working where I assume a known rate and do inference on the magnitude of noise and the heart beat amplitude, but when I try to do inference on the rate as well, I get very high rhat and very low neff for the rate parameter even with iter=1e5
. I’ve tried a couple different forms of the response function (symmetric half-sine, asymmetric half-sine, & beta(2,2)
), and get the same behaviour with all forms. I’ve also tried the scenario with known noise & pulse amplitudes, doing inference only on the rate parameter, but still get very poor sampling.
As per the warning at the beginning of section 41.7 in the manual, I suspect that this is an issue with my use of fmod()
to impose periodicity, but am out of ideas for fixing this. Help?
Here’s the model that attempts inference on rate, amplitude, & noise:
// pulse: function to generate pulse-like curve (half-sine); oversimplified in shape for initial model building/testing
vector pulse(vector time, real amplitude, real rate){
vector[num_elements(time)] position ;
real period = 1/rate ;
//need to loop because fmod isn't vectorized
for(i in 1:num_elements(time)){
position[i] = fmod(time[i],period)/period ;
return amplitude * sin( position*pi() ) ;
int n;
vector[n] y;
vector[n] time;
real<lower=0> amplitude;
real<lower=0,upper=1> rate; //needs upper bound else chains will gravitate towards higher frequencies whose aliased samples "fit" the data well
real<lower=0> noise;
rate ~ uniform(0,1) ;
amplitude ~ weibull(2,2) ;
noise ~ normal(0,1) ;
y ~ normal( pulse(time,amplitude,rate) , noise ) ;