Plannning the 2.35 release

Since 2.34 was released on January 18th, the four month release cycle is coming up next month.

I am proposing the following dates:

  • Feature freeze on Monday, May 13th
  • Release on Tuesday, May 21st

Tuesday is because of a all-day event I have scheduled on Monday the 20th, so I would be unable to assist with the release on that day.
Please use this thread if you have any thoughts on those dates, or if you need a pull request reviewed or think an issue is a high priority for this release.


Pinging some usual suspects: @rok_cesnovar @syclik @spinkney @andrjohns @mitzimorris @stevebronder

Thanks @WardBrian! I just need to review @andrjohns PR Vectorise inv_Phi calculations and optimise log-scale implementation by andrjohns · Pull Request #3046 · stan-dev/math · GitHub. I started and it looks pretty good so I should be done this week.

I have some other stuff to do over the next month so I won’t have any additional PRs before the feature freeze.


I have one bugfix I’m hoping gets in:

And a handful of documentation PRs:

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One thing I have been thinking about.

Previously someone brought up the idea of running dependencies tests with a new release candidate before a release i.e. rstan and pystan. What do people think about starting to do that this release? Could make those packages updating a lot easier


We do that for cmdstanpy and cmdstanr. I don’t think there’s any objection to doing it more broadly, we just need an easy push-button way to do it