Since 2.35 was released on June 3rd, the four month release cycle takes us to the end of next month (September). I think it also makes sense to give an extra week or so due to StanCon Oxford taking place next month.
I am proposing the following dates:
Feature freeze on Monday, September 30th
Release on Monday, October 7th
As always, please use this thread if you have any thoughts on those dates, or if you need a pull request reviewed or think an issue is a high priority for this release.
The above linked issue is resolved, but we want to take some time to look into a more complete solution to the issues that have been arising with std::complex support (3 out of the last 4 LLVM releases have broken stan-math because of these)
@stevebronder thinks this would be reasonable to do in a month’s time, so I’m proposing the following new timeline:
@stevebronder and I ran into some unexpected difficulties. With the hope of not needing another Math Library major version bump next release, we’re going to delay this another 3 weeks (RCs on 11/25).
If we can’t come up with a solution by then, we will likely proceed with the release as-is, and try to fix these issues more completely next release
All of the above linked PRs are merged, so unless something comes up in the next couple days we’ll proceed with the RCs next week. The release will be two weeks later (assuming no issues), to avoid any conflicts with the Thanksgiving holiday in the US
I tried the release candidate and noticed several of my models failing with the error message “The jacobian adjustment can only be applied in the transformed parameters block or in functions ending with _jacobian” which looks like it arises in stanc3here. Are there migration notes available?
ValueError: Failed to get source info for Stan model '/home/runner/work/gptools/gptools/stan/docs/logistic_regression/logistic_regression.stan'. Console:
Semantic error in '/home/runner/work/gptools/gptools/stan/gptools/stan/gptools/fft1.stan', line 97, column 32, included from
'/home/runner/work/gptools/gptools/stan/docs/logistic_regression/logistic_regression.stan', line 3, column 4:
95: int nrfft = n %/% 2 + 1;
96: vector[n] z = gp_rfft(y, loc, cov_rfft);
97: return std_normal_lpdf(z) + gp_rfft_log_abs_det_jacobian(cov_rfft, n);
98: }
The jacobian adjustment can only be applied in the transformed parameters block or in functions ending with _jacobian
The GitHub Action run is here, the model is here, and the offending line is here.
Huh, we took care to implement jacobian += in such a way old usages (e.g., if the user had a variable called ‘jacobian’) would still work, but I think functions ending in _jacobian slipped our mind. It looks like you’re not the only ones who would be affected.
We will have to find something backward compatible/issue warnings for a couple versions. Thanks @tillahoffmann