Hello, I am an “R” and “Stan” newbie trying to run a very simple stan model from R. The stan model is in the same directory as my R script. Here is the code in the model file (mnl.stan):
data {
int<lower=2> C; // # of alternatives (choices) in each scenario
int<lower=1> N; // # of observations
int<lower=1> K; // # of covariates
int<lower=1,upper=C> Y[N]; // observed choices
matrix[C,K] X[N]; // matrix of attributes for each obs
parameters {
vector[K] beta;
model {
# priors
// beta ~ normal(0,3); // often used in Gibbs sampling
beta ~ cauchy(0, 2.5); // better
# model
for (i in 1:N)
Y[i] ~ categorical_logit(X[i]*beta);
I am using the following R script to parse the above model:
# ========== Load libraries and set options ==========
# writes a compiled Stan program to the disk to avoid recompiling
# allows Stan chains to run in parallel on multiprocessor machines
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
# ========== Test Stan with synthetic data ============
# function to generate mnl data
generate_hmnl_data <- function(R=100, S=30, C=3,
Theta=matrix(rep(1, 8), nrow=2),
Sigma=diag(0.1, 4)){
K <- ncol(Theta)
G <- nrow(Theta)
Y <- array(dim=c(R, S))
X <- array(rnorm(R*S*C*K), dim=c(R, S, C, K)) # normal covariates
Z <- array(dim=c(G, R))
Z[1,] <- 1 # intercept
if (G > 1) {
Z[2:G,] <- rnorm(R*(G-1)) # normal covariates
Beta <- array(dim=c(K, R))
for (r in 1:R) {
Beta[,r] <- mvrnorm(n=1, mu=Z[,r]%*%Theta, Sigma=Sigma)
for (s in 1:S)
Y[r,s] <- sample(x=C, size=1, prob=exp(X[r,s,,]%*%Beta[,r])) # logit formula
list(R=R, S=S, C=C, K=K, G=G, Y=Y, X=X, Z=Z,
beta.true=beta, Theta.true=Theta, Sigma.true=Sigma)
d1 <- generate_hmnl_data()
test.stan <- stan(file="hmnl.stan", data=d1, iter=1000, chains=4)
The last line is not executed and I get the following error:
Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, :
parser failed badly