Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, : parser failed badly

I an running a stan programme in r but getting error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, : parser failed badly

data {
  int <lower=1> M; // number of states
  int <lower=1> P; // number of covariates
  int <lower=1> N0; // number of days for which to impute infections
  int <lower=1> N[M]; // days of observed data for country m. each entry must be <= N2
  int <lower=1> N2; // days of observed data + # of days to forecast
  int cases[N2,M]; // reported cases
  int deaths[N2, M]; // reported deaths -- the rows with i > N contain -1 and should be ignored
  matrix[N2, M] f; // h * s
  matrix[N2, P] X[M]; // features matrix
  int EpidemicStart[M];
  real pop[M];
  real SI[N2]; // fixed pre-calculated SI using emprical data from Neil

transformed data {
  vector[N2] SI_rev; // SI in reverse order
  vector[N2] f_rev[M]; // f in reversed order
  for(i in 1:N2)
    SI_rev[i] = SI[N2-i+1];
  for(m in 1:M){
    for(i in 1:N2) {
     f_rev[m, i] = f[N2-i+1,m];

parameters {
  real<lower=0> mu[M]; // intercept for Rt
  real<lower=0> alpha_hier[P]; // sudo parameter for the hier term for alpha
  real<lower=0> kappa;
  real<lower=0> y[M];
  real<lower=0> phi;
  real<lower=0> tau;
  real <lower=0> ifr_noise[M];

transformed parameters {
    vector[P] alpha;
    matrix[N2, M] prediction = rep_matrix(0,N2,M);
    matrix[N2, M] E_deaths  = rep_matrix(0,N2,M);
    matrix[N2, M] Rt = rep_matrix(0,N2,M);
    matrix[N2, M] Rt_adj = Rt;
      matrix[N2,M] cumm_sum = rep_matrix(0,N2,M);
      for(i in 1:P){
        alpha[i] = alpha_hier[i] - ( log(1.05) / 6.0 );
      for (m in 1:M){
        prediction[1:N0,m] = rep_vector(y[m],N0); // learn the number of cases in the first N0 days
        cumm_sum[2:N0,m] = cumulative_sum(prediction[2:N0,m]);
        Rt[,m] = mu[m] * exp(-X[m] * alpha);
        Rt_adj[1:N0,m] = Rt[1:N0,m];
        for (i in (N0+1):N2) {
          real convolution = dot_product(sub_col(prediction, 1, m, i-1), tail(SI_rev, i-1));
          cumm_sum[i,m] = cumm_sum[i-1,m] + prediction[i-1,m];
          Rt_adj[i,m] = ((pop[m]-cumm_sum[i,m]) / pop[m]) * Rt[i,m];
          prediction[i, m] = Rt_adj[i,m] * convolution;
        E_deaths[1, m]= 1e-15 * prediction[1,m];
        for (i in 2:N2){
          E_deaths[i,m] = ifr_noise[m] * dot_product(sub_col(prediction, 1, m, i-1), tail(f_rev[m], i-1));
model {
  tau ~ exponential(0.03);
  for (m in 1:M){
    y[m] ~ exponential(1/tau);
  phi ~ normal(0,5);
  kappa ~ normal(0,0.5);
  mu ~ normal(3.28, kappa); // citation:
  alpha_hier ~ gamma(.1667,1);
  ifr_noise ~ normal(1,0.1);
  for(m in 1:M){
    deaths[EpidemicStart[m]:N[m], m] ~ neg_binomial_2(E_deaths[EpidemicStart[m]:N[m], m], phi);

generated quantities {
    matrix[N2, M] prediction0 = rep_matrix(0,N2,M);
    matrix[N2, M] E_deaths0  = rep_matrix(0,N2,M);
      matrix[N2,M] cumm_sum0 = rep_matrix(0,N2,M);
      for (m in 1:M){
         for (i in 2:N0){
           cumm_sum0[i,m] = cumm_sum0[i-1,m] + y[m]; 
        prediction0[1:N0,m] = rep_vector(y[m],N0); 
        for (i in (N0+1):N2) {
	  real convolution0 = 0;
	  for (j in 1:(i-1)) {		
            convolution0 += prediction0[j, m] * SI[i-j];
          cumm_sum0[i,m] = cumm_sum0[i-1,m] + prediction0[i-1,m];
          prediction0[i, m] = ((pop[m]-cumm_sum0[i,m]) / pop[m]) * mu[m] * convolution0;
        E_deaths0[1, m]= 1e-15 * prediction0[1,m];
        for (i in 2:N2){
          for (j in 1:(i-1)) {		
            E_deaths[i,m] += prediction0[j, m] * f[i-j,m] * ifr_noise[m];
[base.stan|attachment](upload://mlB6qzA1GKRB2odpEiewSlD0e6T.stan) (3.6 KB)

If you need to use math formula, use Latex syntax:

Y \sim N(\mu, \sigma)

Don’t forget to attach tags (top right of this form) for application area/class of models or other general subject areas your topic touches on.

The rstan parser can have issues when there are # present in the file. Try removing those from your comments and trying again

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Thank you so much