Hi all,
After running this piece of code, I get the following error message (which says that it does not recognize the name of the function). However, this was running perfectly fine some months ago. Any idea why? I am working with R version 4.1.3.
functions {
vector model3(real t, vector y, real pAB, real uAB, real uASC) {
vector[2] dydt;
dydt[1] = pAB*y[2]-uAB*y[1];
dydt[2] = -uASC*y[2];
return dydt;
data {
int <lower=1> nobs;
real t0;
vector[2] y0[nobs];
real ts[nobs];
int <lower=1> indivs;
real <lower=0> antib[nobs];
int <lower=1> subj[nobs];
parameters {
real pAB0;
real <lower=0, upper=1> uAB;
real uASC0;
real AB0;
real ASC0;
real logsigma;
real logsigmapAB;
real logsigmauASC;
real logsigmaAB0;
real logsigmaASC0;
real rpAB[nobs];
real ruASC[nobs];
real rAB0[nobs];
real rASC0[nobs];
model {
vector[2] yhat[nobs];
vector[2] yhatmu[nobs];
real eval_time[1];
real sigma = exp(logsigma);
real sigmapAB = exp(logsigmapAB);
real sigmauASC = exp(logsigmauASC);
real sigmaAB0 = exp(logsigmaAB0);
real sigmaASC0 = exp(logsigmaASC0);
//prior distributions
pAB0 ~ normal(0, 2.5);
uASC0 ~ normal(0, 2.5);
uAB ~ normal(0, 2.5);
AB0 ~ uniform(5, 10);
ASC0 ~ uniform(2,4);
logsigmapAB ~ normal(0, 2.5);
logsigmauASC ~ normal(0, 2.5);
logsigmaAB0 ~ normal(0, 2.5);
logsigmaASC0 ~ normal(0, 2.5);
logsigma ~ normal(0, 2.5);
for (j in 1:nobs) {
real pAB = exp(pAB0)*exp(rpAB[subj[j]]);
real uABt = uAB;
real uASC = exp(uASC0)*exp(ruASC[subj[j]]);
vector[2] zinitials;
zinitials[1] = exp(AB0)*exp(rAB0[subj[j]]);
//are we sure this is not yielding to negative values? is it hierarchical?
zinitials[2] = exp(ASC0)*exp(rASC0[subj[j]]);
// where mu of the r.e. is 0 or -sigmapAB/2
rpAB[subj[j]] ~ normal(-sigmapAB/2, sigmapAB);
ruASC[subj[j]] ~ normal(-sigmauASC/2, sigmauASC);
rAB0[subj[j]] ~ normal(-sigmaAB0/2, sigmaAB0);
rASC0[subj[j]] ~ normal(-sigmaASC0/2, sigmaASC0);
eval_time[1] = ts[j];
if (eval_time[1] == 0){
yhatmu[j,1] = zinitials[1] - pow(sigma, 2.0)/2;
yhatmu[j,2] = zinitials[2] - pow(sigma, 2.0)/2;}
yhat = ode_rk45(model3, zinitials, t0, eval_time, pAB, uABt, uASC);
yhatmu[j,2] = yhat[1,1] - pow(sigma, 2.0)/2;
antib[j] ~ lognormal(yhatmu[j,2], sigma);
generated quantities {
real z_pred[nobs];
real sigma2 = exp(logsigma);
for (t in 1:nobs){
z_pred[t] = lognormal_rng(antib[t], sigma2);