A variable from function section does not exist

I am solving an ODE function on, but it returns an error. I am fairly new to Stan and have gone through the manual (version 2.23), I build a variable function and try to use it later in the parameter section. The error message is below:

functions {
  vector[2] dydt
  dydt[1] = -ka * y[1];
  dydt[2] = ka * y[1] -  ke * y[2];
  return dydt;
data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  vector[N] y;
  real t[N]; 
  real<lower = 0> D; 


parameters {
  real<lower = 0> ke;
  real<lower = ke> ka; 
  real<lower = 0> V;
  real<lower = 0> sigma;
  vector rhs(real t, vector y, 
             real ka, real ke);

transformed parameters {
  vector[N] mu; 
  { vector[2] solution[N] = ode_rk45(rhs, [D, 0.0]', 0.0, t, ka, ke);
    for(i in 1:N){
      mu[i] = solution[i,2] / V;

model {
  y ~ normal(mu, sigma);
  sigma ~ normal(0, 1);
  ke ~ student_t(7, 0, 1);
  ka ~ student_t(7, 0, 5);
  V ~ student_t(7, 0, 1); 

The syntax error returns as below:

 error in 'model3f5c1ce435e1_pk' at line 2, column 9
     1: functions {
     2:   vector[2] dydt
     3:   dydt[1] = -ka * y[1];

PARSER EXPECTED: <comma to indicate more dimensions or ] to end type declaration>
Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name,  : 
  failed to parse Stan model 'pk' due to the above error.

Can someone help me with this? thanks!

You’re missing the initial lines in your function declaration specifying the function name , type, and inputs and their types. It looks like you put that line in the parameters section instead, which is going to cause an error too. So I think you want:

functions {
  vector rhs(real t, vector y,  real ka, real ke){
    vector[2] dydt ;
    dydt[1] = -ka * y[1];
    dydt[2] = ka * y[1] -  ke * y[2];
    return dydt;

data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  vector[N] y;
  real t[N]; 
  real<lower = 0> D; 

parameters {
  real<lower = 0> ke;
  real<lower = ke> ka; 
  real<lower = 0> V;
  real<lower = 0> sigma;

transformed parameters {
  vector[N] mu; 
  { vector[2] solution[N] = ode_rk45(rhs, [D, 0.0]', 0.0, t, ka, ke);
    for(i in 1:N){
      mu[i] = solution[i,2] / V;

model {
  y ~ normal(mu, sigma);
  sigma ~ normal(0, 1);
  ke ~ student_t(7, 0, 1);
  ka ~ student_t(7, 0, 5);
  V ~ student_t(7, 0, 1); 

Thank you for pointing that fatal problem, however after that, I still got the same error as before.

The tags say RStan so I assume that’s the interface you’re working with. If I recall correctly RStan is currently at version 2.21 so features added in 2.23 are not available. You may have to use the old integrate_ode interface.

functions {
  real[] rhs(real t, real[] y, real[] k, data real[] x_r, data int[] x_i) {
    real ka = k[1];
    real ke = k[2];
    real dydt[2];
    dydt[1] = -ka * y[1];
    dydt[2] = ka * y[1] -  ke * y[2];
    return dydt;

data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  vector[N] y;
  real t[N]; 
  real<lower = 0> D; 

parameters {
  real<lower = 0> ke;
  real<lower = ke> ka; 
  real<lower = 0> V;
  real<lower = 0> sigma;

transformed parameters {
  vector[N] mu; 
  { real solution[N,2] = integrate_ode_rk45(rhs, {D, 0.0}, 0.0, t, {ka, ke}, {1.0}, {1});
    for(i in 1:N){
      mu[i] = solution[i,2] / V;

model {
  y ~ normal(mu, sigma);
  sigma ~ normal(0, 1);
  ke ~ student_t(7, 0, 1);
  ka ~ student_t(7, 0, 5);
  V ~ student_t(7, 0, 1); 