Hi again eveyone,
Sorry for my delayed response but I thought I’d give an update.
I’ve had a go at translating my model into Stan in order to double-check there wasn’t anything wrong with my implementation. Unfortunately there’s no equation solvers for complex matrices in the current version of Stan and after spending some time on a workaround for this I eventually gave up. Instead I’ve reverted to a simpler model which assumes a 0 phase offset for the sinusoids but does not require any complex numbers. The code is provided below in case anyone is interested.
data {
int<lower=1> M; // number of signals
int<lower=2> L; // number of sensors
int<lower=2> T; // number of samples for each sensor
real<lower=0> fs; // sampling frequency
real<lower=0> wave_speed; // wave speed
vector[T] d[L]; // samples from the sensors
real<lower=0> sep; // separation between sensors
transformed data{
int N = T*L;
int f_n = T/2; // Nyquist frequency
real N_2 = N/2.0;
real dTd;
array[f_n, L, 2] real GHd_factor;
real sinfunc;
array[f_n] real sumsinsq;
array[f_n] real sumcossq;
array[f_n] real sumsincos;
dTd = 0.0;
for (l in 1:L){
dTd = dTd + sum(d[l].*d[l]);
for (l in 1:L){
GHd_factor[:, l, 1] = rep_array(0.0, f_n);
GHd_factor[:, l, 2] = rep_array(0.0, f_n);
for (omega in 2:f_n){
// calculate Fourier transform
for (t in 0:(T-1)){
for (l in 1:L){
GHd_factor[omega, l, 1] = GHd_factor[omega, l, 1] + sin(omega*t/fs)*d[l,t+1];
GHd_factor[omega, l, 2] = GHd_factor[omega, l, 2] + cos(omega*t/fs)*d[l,t+1];
// calculate other dot products
sinfunc = sin(4*pi()*omega/fs)/(8*pi()*omega/(T*fs));
sumsinsq[omega] = T/2 - sinfunc;
sumcossq[omega] = T/2 + sinfunc;
sumsincos[omega] = (1-cos(4*pi()*omega/fs))/(8*pi()*omega/(T*fs));
parameters {
real<lower=0, upper=2*pi()> theta[M]; // directions of arrival for each signal
real<lower=0> delta2; // signal to noise ratio
model {
matrix[M,M] GHG;
vector[M] GHd;
real delta2_const;
real alpha_factor;
array[M, L] real alpha;
delta2 ~ inv_gamma(2,0.1);
delta2_const = 1+1/(N*delta2);
for (omega in 1:f_n){
GHd = rep_vector(0.0, M);
GHG = rep_matrix(rep_row_vector(0.0, M), M);
for (m in 1:M){
GHG[m,m] = N;
alpha_factor = 2*pi()*(omega/fs)*sep*cos(theta[m])/(wave_speed);
for (l in 1:L){
alpha[m,l] = (l-1)*alpha_factor;
GHd[m] = GHd[m] + cos(alpha[m,l])*GHd_factor[omega,l,1] + sin(alpha[m,l])*GHd_factor[omega,l,2];
for (m in 1:M){
for (m1 in m+1:M){
for (l in 1:L){
GHG[m,m1] = GHG[m,m1] + sin(alpha[m,l])*sin(alpha[m1,l])*sumcossq[omega] + (cos(alpha[m,1])*sin(alpha[m1,l])+cos(alpha[m1,l])*sin(alpha[m,l]))*sumsincos[omega] + cos(alpha[m,l])*cos(alpha[m1,l])*sumsinsq[omega];
GHG[m,m1] = delta2_const*GHG[m,m1];
GHG[m1,m] = GHG[m,m1];
target += -N_2*log((dTd - (GHd'/GHG)*GHd)/2);
target += -f_n*log(N*delta2 + delta2_const)/2;
I also changed the part that was causing numerical instability - after I found out what was causing it I realise I’d written down the model wrong (I needed to be multiplying by \cos(\theta) rather than dividing!). Here is what the posterior looks like for the updated model:
In any case, the issue still remains and the drawn samples do not match the analytic posterior. I believe this is not an issue with mutlimodality as we can always assume that \theta_2>\theta_1. As @betanalpha alluded to, I think the problem lies with the metric used in HMC which does not allow movement along the ridges.