Hello everyone!
I am trying to run a simple ODE forced model that represents microbial inactivation as described by Albert and Mafart. The ODE is as follows:
Where \delta, p and N_{\text{res}} are unknown parameters and N is the number of cells.
When trying to estimate these parameters with my small model, I get the following error:
Rejecting initial value:
Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Exception: normal_lpdf: Location parameter[1] is nan, but must be finite! (in 'model1738310b51c4_weibull' at line 53)
I have no idea exactly why is this occurring, my first guess was that I had to assign initial values to my x_hat
's quantities that I am willing to estimate, but that seems odd, and didn’t work. I found a similar question, but it does not help me with my problem.
Below are my Stan code and the toy dataset that I am using for testing the model.
Thanks in advance
PS. Is the first time that I am dealing with forced ODE’s, so I will be really glad if you have comments about my code in that sense
functions {
real[] forced_ode(real t, real[] x, real[] theta, real[] y_r, int[] y_i) {
real dxdt[1];
real ft;
ft = t;
dxdt[1] = -log(10)/(theta[1]^theta[2]) * theta[2] * ft^(theta[2]-1) * (1-theta[3]/x[1])*x[1];
data {
int<lower=1> T;
real<lower=0> x[T,1];
real t0;
real ts[T];
real x0;
transformed data {
real y_r[0];
int y_i[0];
parameters {
real <lower=0> sigma;
real delta;
real p;
real nres;
transformed parameters {
real x_hat[T,1];
real theta[3];
theta[1] = delta;
theta[2] = p;
theta[3] = nres;
x_hat = integrate_ode_rk45(forced_ode, rep_array(x0, 1), t0, ts, theta, y_r, y_i, 1.0E-6, 1.0E-6, 1.0E7);
for (t in 1:T)
rm(list = ls())
T = 14
xi_r = 63679552.09 #initial number of cells
t0 = 0
ts = c(6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54,60,66,72,96,120)
x = structure(c(15922087.27,3019951.72,680769.3587,4405548.635,550807.6964, #time series
for (i in 1:length(x)){ #scaling the time series to have maximum of 1
x0 = 1 #scaled initial value of the time series
ini = function(){
fit = stan("weibull.stan",
data=c("x0", "t0", "ts", "x", 'T'),
warmup = 150,
init = ini,
refresh = 2,
#cores = min(4, parallel::detectCores()),
chains=1, iter=300, seed=100785)
save(fit, file="test.Rsave")