So the vanilla GP:
int n_x ;
array[n_x] real x ;
vector[n_x] y ;
real<lower=0> noise ;
real<lower=0> amplitude ;
real<lower=0> lengthscale ;
real intercept ;
vector[n_x] f ;
... // priors for noise, amplitude, lengthscale, & intercept here
f ~ multi_normal( // n.b. "centered" parameterization, but often non-centered samples better
, add_diag( gp_exp_quad_cov( x , amplitude , lengthscale ) , 1e-5 )
) ;
y ~ normal( f , noise ) ;
can be altered to remove measurement noise (something usually not a good idea, but useful in niche circumstances) to yield:
... // same data
// no `noise` parameter
real<lower=0> amplitude ;
real<lower=0> lengthscale ;
real intercept ;
// no `f` parameter
... // priors for amplitude, lengthscale, & intercept here
y ~ multi_normal(
, add_diag( gp_exp_quad_cov( x , amplitude , lengthscale ) , 1e-5 )
) ;
Now if one opts for the cool new Hilbert space GPs, the noise-included model would be:
matrix PHI(int N, int n_basis_fns, real L, vector x) {
return sin(diag_post_multiply(rep_matrix(pi()/(2*L) * (x+L), n_basis_fns), linspaced_vector(n_basis_fns, 1, n_basis_fns)))/sqrt(L);
vector diagSPD_EQ(real amplitude, real lengthscale, real L, int n_basis_fns) {
return amplitude * sqrt(sqrt(2*pi()) * lengthscale) * exp(-0.25*(lengthscale*pi()/2/L)^2 * linspaced_vector(n_basis_fns, 1, n_basis_fns)^2);
int n_x ;
vector[n_x] x ;
vector[n_x] y ;
real<lower=0> boundary_factor ;
int n_basis_fns ;
transformed data{
vector[n_x] x_std = (x-mean(x))/sd(x) ;
real L_f = boundary_factor*max(abs(x_std));
matrix[n_x,n_basis_fns] PHI_f = PHI(n_x, n_basis_fns, L_f, x_std);
real<lower=0> noise ;
real<lower=0> lengthscale ;
real<lower=0> amplitude ;
real intercept ;
vector[n_basis_fns] beta ;
... // priors for noise, amplitude, lengthscale, & intercept here
beta ~ normal( // n.b. "centered" parameterization
rep_vector( 0 , n_basis_fns )
, diagSPD_EQ( amplitude , lengthscale , L_f , n_basis_fns )
) ;
vector[n_x] f = intercept + PHI_f * beta ;
y ~ normal( f , noise ) ;
However, I’m unclear what the “noiseless” version of this HSGP would be.
Any ideas?