Gaussian processes: posterior inference on integrated-out latent(s)?

So when we have a model like:


	int n_x ;
	array[n_x] real x ; 
	int n_rep ;
	array[n_rep] row_vector[n_x] y ; // observations for a

transformed data{
	matrix[n_rep,n_x] y_mat = to_matrix(y) ; // for use in the version that achieves explicit inference on the latent function

	real<lower=0> noise ;
	real<lower=0> f00_lengthscale ;
	real<lower=0> f00_amplitude ;
	real y_intercept ;
	row_vector[n_x] f00_stdnorm ; // removed in the "integrated-out" version


	noise ~ weibull(2,1) ;
	f00_lengthscale ~ weibull(2,2) ;
	f00_amplitude ~ weibull(2,1) ;
	y_intercept ~ std_normal() ;
	f00_stdnorm ~ std_normal() ;

	// covariance
	matrix[n_x,n_x] k00 = f00_amplitude * add_diag( gp_exp_quad_cov( x , 1.0 , f00_lengthscale ), 1e-5) ;
	// latent vector
	row_vector[n_x] f00 = y_intercept + f00_stdnorm * cholesky_decompose( k00 )  ;
	// likelihood
	to_vector(y_mat) ~ normal( to_vector( rep_matrix( f00 , n_rep ) ) , noise ) ;

we can reduce compute during inference by removing the f00_stdnorm parameter and replacing the last few lines (starting at the commet // latent factor) with:

		// likelihoods
		y ~ multi_normal_cholesky(
			rep_row_vector( a_intercept , n_x )
			, cholesky_decompose( add_diag(  k00  , noise ) )
		) ;

What would I do in the generated quantities block to obtain samples of the latent function? Or is that even possible?

And for bonus points, if one has a branching-additive GP structure where the model with explicit inference on the latents is:


	int n_x ;
	array[n_x] real x ; 
	int n_rep ;
	array[n_rep] row_vector[n_x] a ; // observations for a
	array[n_rep] row_vector[n_x] b ; // observations for b


transformed data{

	// variables used  in the version that achieves explicit inference on the latents
	matrix[n_rep,n_x] a_mat = to_matrix(a) ;
	matrix[n_rep,n_x] b_mat = to_matrix(b) ;



	// noise: measurement noise
	real<lower=0> noise ;
	// lengthscales
	real<lower=0> f00_lengthscale ;
	real<lower=0> f1a_lengthscale ;
	real<lower=0> f1b_lengthscale ;
	// amplitudes
	real<lower=0> f00_amplitude ;
	real<lower=0> f1a_amplitude ;
	real<lower=0> f1b_amplitude ;
	// intercepts
	real a_intercept ;
	real b_intercept ;
	// stdnormals
	row_vector[ n_x ] f00_stdnorm ; // removed in the "integrated-out" version
	row_vector[ n_x ] f1a_stdnorm ; // removed in the "integrated-out" version
	row_vector[ n_x ] f1b_stdnorm ; // removed in the "integrated-out" version



	noise ~ weibull(2,1) ;
	f00_lengthscale ~ weibull(2,2) ;
	f1a_lengthscale ~ weibull(2,2) ;
	f1b_lengthscale ~ weibull(2,2) ;
	f00_amplitude ~ weibull(2,1) ;
	f1a_amplitude ~ weibull(2,1) ;
	f1b_amplitude ~ weibull(2,1) ;
	a_intercept ~ std_normal() ;
	b_intercept ~ std_normal() ;
	f00_stdnorm ~ std_normal() ;
	f1a_stdnorm ~ std_normal() ;
	f1b_stdnorm ~ std_normal() ;

	// covariances
	matrix[n_x,n_x] k00 = gp_exp_quad_cov( x , f00_amplitude , f00_lengthscale ) ;
	matrix[n_x,n_x] k1a = gp_exp_quad_cov( x , f1a_amplitude , f1a_lengthscale ) ;
	matrix[n_x,n_x] k1b = gp_exp_quad_cov( x , f1b_amplitude , f1b_lengthscale ) ;
	// latent vectors
	row_vector[n_x] f00 = f00_stdnorm * cholesky_decompose( k00 )  ;
	row_vector[n_x] f1a = f1a_stdnorm * cholesky_decompose( k1a ) ;
	row_vector[n_x] f1b = f1b_stdnorm * cholesky_decompose( k1b ) ;
	// g1_ from from f00 & f1_
	row_vector[n_x] g1a = a_intercept + f00 + f1a ;
	row_vector[n_x] g1b = b_intercept + f00 + f1b ;
	// likelihoods
	to_vector(a_mat) ~ normal( to_vector( rep_matrix( g1a , n_rep ) ) , noise ) ;
	to_vector(b_mat) ~ normal( to_vector( rep_matrix( g1b , n_rep ) ) , noise ) ;

and the version with the latents integrated out is:

	// likelihoods
	a ~ multi_normal_cholesky(
		rep_row_vector( a_intercept , n_x )
		, cholesky_decompose( add_diag(  k00 + k1a  , noise ) )
	) ;
	b ~ multi_normal_cholesky(
		rep_row_vector( a_intercept , n_x )
		, cholesky_decompose( add_diag(  k00 + k1a  , noise ) )
	) ;

Is it still possible to then get samples from each of the three latent functions in the GQ block? If so, how?

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Ah, belatedly remembered seeing the answer to the simpler single-GP case in the Stan User Guide here.

So I guess that just leaves the bonus question from above: is it possible to achieve the same analytic inference in the case of additive GPs?

In case of additive GPs, just add the covariance matrices together and act as with one covariance matrix.

Ah, I could have been clearer in my self-reply; I was looking for guidance on doing inference on f00 & f1a & f1b in the GQ block of a model where those latents have been integrated-out. The SUG chapter I linked shows how to infer a single integrated-out latent, but doesn’t cover the additive case.

Oh, I bet the process is such that you infer the g1_ latents from their respective covariances and then work the model algebra backwards for the f__ latents.

Hmm… I feel like I’m missing some useful information, as I don’t understand the question. Can you define what are f00, f1a, f1b, g1_, and f__?