So when we have a model like:
int n_x ;
array[n_x] real x ;
int n_rep ;
array[n_rep] row_vector[n_x] y ; // observations for a
transformed data{
matrix[n_rep,n_x] y_mat = to_matrix(y) ; // for use in the version that achieves explicit inference on the latent function
real<lower=0> noise ;
real<lower=0> f00_lengthscale ;
real<lower=0> f00_amplitude ;
real y_intercept ;
row_vector[n_x] f00_stdnorm ; // removed in the "integrated-out" version
noise ~ weibull(2,1) ;
f00_lengthscale ~ weibull(2,2) ;
f00_amplitude ~ weibull(2,1) ;
y_intercept ~ std_normal() ;
f00_stdnorm ~ std_normal() ;
// covariance
matrix[n_x,n_x] k00 = f00_amplitude * add_diag( gp_exp_quad_cov( x , 1.0 , f00_lengthscale ), 1e-5) ;
// latent vector
row_vector[n_x] f00 = y_intercept + f00_stdnorm * cholesky_decompose( k00 ) ;
// likelihood
to_vector(y_mat) ~ normal( to_vector( rep_matrix( f00 , n_rep ) ) , noise ) ;
we can reduce compute during inference by removing the f00_stdnorm
parameter and replacing the last few lines (starting at the commet // latent factor
) with:
// likelihoods
y ~ multi_normal_cholesky(
rep_row_vector( a_intercept , n_x )
, cholesky_decompose( add_diag( k00 , noise ) )
) ;
What would I do in the generated quantities block to obtain samples of the latent function? Or is that even possible?
And for bonus points, if one has a branching-additive GP structure where the model with explicit inference on the latents is:
int n_x ;
array[n_x] real x ;
int n_rep ;
array[n_rep] row_vector[n_x] a ; // observations for a
array[n_rep] row_vector[n_x] b ; // observations for b
transformed data{
// variables used in the version that achieves explicit inference on the latents
matrix[n_rep,n_x] a_mat = to_matrix(a) ;
matrix[n_rep,n_x] b_mat = to_matrix(b) ;
// noise: measurement noise
real<lower=0> noise ;
// lengthscales
real<lower=0> f00_lengthscale ;
real<lower=0> f1a_lengthscale ;
real<lower=0> f1b_lengthscale ;
// amplitudes
real<lower=0> f00_amplitude ;
real<lower=0> f1a_amplitude ;
real<lower=0> f1b_amplitude ;
// intercepts
real a_intercept ;
real b_intercept ;
// stdnormals
row_vector[ n_x ] f00_stdnorm ; // removed in the "integrated-out" version
row_vector[ n_x ] f1a_stdnorm ; // removed in the "integrated-out" version
row_vector[ n_x ] f1b_stdnorm ; // removed in the "integrated-out" version
noise ~ weibull(2,1) ;
f00_lengthscale ~ weibull(2,2) ;
f1a_lengthscale ~ weibull(2,2) ;
f1b_lengthscale ~ weibull(2,2) ;
f00_amplitude ~ weibull(2,1) ;
f1a_amplitude ~ weibull(2,1) ;
f1b_amplitude ~ weibull(2,1) ;
a_intercept ~ std_normal() ;
b_intercept ~ std_normal() ;
f00_stdnorm ~ std_normal() ;
f1a_stdnorm ~ std_normal() ;
f1b_stdnorm ~ std_normal() ;
// covariances
matrix[n_x,n_x] k00 = gp_exp_quad_cov( x , f00_amplitude , f00_lengthscale ) ;
matrix[n_x,n_x] k1a = gp_exp_quad_cov( x , f1a_amplitude , f1a_lengthscale ) ;
matrix[n_x,n_x] k1b = gp_exp_quad_cov( x , f1b_amplitude , f1b_lengthscale ) ;
// latent vectors
row_vector[n_x] f00 = f00_stdnorm * cholesky_decompose( k00 ) ;
row_vector[n_x] f1a = f1a_stdnorm * cholesky_decompose( k1a ) ;
row_vector[n_x] f1b = f1b_stdnorm * cholesky_decompose( k1b ) ;
// g1_ from from f00 & f1_
row_vector[n_x] g1a = a_intercept + f00 + f1a ;
row_vector[n_x] g1b = b_intercept + f00 + f1b ;
// likelihoods
to_vector(a_mat) ~ normal( to_vector( rep_matrix( g1a , n_rep ) ) , noise ) ;
to_vector(b_mat) ~ normal( to_vector( rep_matrix( g1b , n_rep ) ) , noise ) ;
and the version with the latents integrated out is:
// likelihoods
a ~ multi_normal_cholesky(
rep_row_vector( a_intercept , n_x )
, cholesky_decompose( add_diag( k00 + k1a , noise ) )
) ;
b ~ multi_normal_cholesky(
rep_row_vector( a_intercept , n_x )
, cholesky_decompose( add_diag( k00 + k1a , noise ) )
) ;
Is it still possible to then get samples from each of the three latent functions in the GQ block? If so, how?