Dear Stan developers team,
I’m trying to implement a network meta analysis model in Stan introducing the data as sparse matrices. The following is a simplified form of the model. Is there a clear reason why the sampler cannot initialize? Any suggestions for fixing the issue or alternative parametrization?
this is data in Bugs implementation format
t = cbind(c(1,1,1,3,3,4,4), c(3,2,2,4,4,5,5), c(0,0,4,0,0,0,0))
y = cbind(c(-1.22,-0.7,-0.3,-0.24,-0.73,-2.2,-1.8), c(-1.53,-2.4,-2.6,-0.59,-0.18,-2.5,-2.1),
se = cbind(c(0.504,0.282,0.505,0.265,0.335,0.197,0.200), c(0.439,0.258,0.510,0.354,0.442,0.190,0.250),
the data is converted into matrix format
nmax = ncol(t)
ns = nrow(t)
nt = max(t)
y1 = matrix(0, ns, nt)
se1 = matrix(0, ns, nt)
for (i in 1:ns) {
for (j in 1:nmax) {
y1[i,t[i,j]] = y[i,j]
se1[i,t[i,j]] = se[i,j]
b = t[,1]
nz = length(which(y1!=0))
stan implementation
data {
int ns; //number of studies
int nt; // number of treatments
int nz; // number of nonzero elements of y
matrix[ns,nt] y; // matrix of estimates
matrix[ns,nt] se; // matrix of se’s for the estimates
transformed data {
int v[nz]; // vector of column indices for non-zero values in y
v = csr_extract_v(y);
parameters {
vector[nt] theta; // effect sizes
model {
theta ~ normal(0, 10);
for (i in 1:ns) {
for (k in 1:nz) {
y[i,v[k]] ~ normal(theta[v[k]], se[i,v[k]]); // likelihood for treatment v[k] in study i