Initialisation error

I am new to using Stan and I am trying to model a simple ancestry problem but keep encountering an initialisation error. My model and code is provided below.

data {
  int<lower = 1> K;
  int<lower = 1> N;
  matrix[K,N] beta;
  vector[N] x;

parameters {
  vector[K] f;

transformed parameters {
  vector[N] alpha;
  for(i in 1:N){
    for(j in 1:K){
      alpha[i] = alpha[i] + f[j]*beta[j,i];
model {
  f~dirichlet(rep_vector(1, K));

The above runs fine with no errors. However, below produces the error :
[1] “Error in sampler$call_sampler(args_list[[i]]) : Initialization failed.”
[1] “error occurred during calling the sampler; sampling not done”

# Firstly, prepare the data for stan

beta = matrix(
  c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3),nrow=3,ncol=10,byrow=T)+0.05

# This is the actual frequencies of the populations

# This function produces a sample child, based on the parent pop profiles 
# and the true frequencies of the populations, sampled from multinomial
# distribution.

# Here we assign the output of the above function to the pop data we
# will be feeding into our stan model.

# Next, we need to call stan function to draw posterior 
# samples

#my_file <- file.path("C:", "Users", "Joach", "Desktop", "my_file.csv")
#"C:\Users\Team Knowhow\Documents\YEAR 4\Project\STAN models\01-script.R"
# use forward slashes in file path otherwise leads to an error
fit1 <- stan(
  file = "C:/Users/Team Knowhow/Documents/YEAR 4/Project/STAN models/01-model.stan",  # Stan program
  data = population_data,  # named list of data
  chains = 4,              # number of Markov chains
  warmup = 1000,           # number of warmup iterations per chain
  iter = 2000,             # total number of iterations per chain
  cores = 1,               # number of cores (could use one per chain)
  refresh = 0              # no progress shown

Please advise.

Your parameter declaration should be:

simplex[K] f;

For a dirichlet

Hi, thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately, after changing the parameter as you said I am receiving the same error.

data {
  int<lower = 1> K;
  int<lower = 1> N;
  matrix[K,N] beta;
  vector[N] x;

// The parameters accepted by the model. Our model
// accepts one parameters 'f' which is a vector representing
// the mixture probabilities of each ref pop.
parameters {
  simplex[K] f;

transformed parameters {
  vector[N] alpha;
  for(i in 1:N){
    for(j in 1:K){
      alpha[i] = alpha[i] + f[j]*beta[j,i];

// The model to be estimated. We model the output
// 'f' (mixture probability) to be dirichlet distributed 
// with parameter (1,1,1), with length p (=3 in this case).
// x is dirichlet distributed with parameter alpha
model {
  f~dirichlet(rep_vector(1, K));

What is the error shown if you remove the refresh = 0 from your stan call?

Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1: Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Chain 1: Exception: dirichlet_lpdf: probabilities is not a valid simplex. sum(probabilities) = 100, but should be 1 (in ‘string’, line 43, column 2 to column 21)
Chain 1: Initialization between (-2, 2) failed after 100 attempts.
Chain 1: Try specifying initial values, reducing ranges of constrained values, or reparameterizing the model.
[1] “Error in sampler$call_sampler(args_list[[i]]) : Initialization failed.”
[1] “error occurred during calling the sampler; sampling not done”

That’s referring to the input data x, you need to double check that it is a vector that sums to 1 (i.e., a simplex) to use the dirichlet prior