NAs in rhats of Cholesky factor but not sd or cor in multi-level (bernoulli) model

I’m trying to understand what could cause a GLMM (with bernoulli link) to result in NAs in the Cholesky factor for the (by-subject and/or by-item) random effects without also resulting in any such problem with regard to the random effect SDs and CORs. I’ve seen that case a number of times now.

For example, here’s a model output, with all R-hats ~ 1 and none of them NA for which I got a warning that some of the R-hats are NA indicating that the chains might not have mixed. There are also warning about low Bulk and Tail ESS. (bias and dist are binary predictors; step is a continuous predictor for which I’m including orthogonal linear & quadratic components).

 Family: bernoulli 
  Links: mu = logit 
Formula: response ~ 1 + bias * dist * (step.1 + step.2) + (1 + bias * dist * (step.1 + step.2) | subject) + (1 + dist * (step.1 + step.2) | item) 
   Data: d (Number of observations: 2469) 
Samples: 4 chains, each with iter = 22500; warmup = 7500; thin = 5;
         total post-warmup samples = 12000

Group-Level Effects: 
~item (Number of levels: 16) 
                                                 Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(Intercept)                                        0.49      0.20     0.11     0.93 1.00     9241     7460
sd(distfarvs.near)                                   1.45      0.55     0.46     2.65 1.00     8755     9475
sd(step.1)                                           1.05      0.74     0.05     2.77 1.00     8892    10139
sd(step.2)                                           0.75      0.52     0.03     1.92 1.00     8397     9350
sd(distfarvs.near:step.1)                            4.70      1.90     1.25     8.85 1.00     8208     9033
sd(distfarvs.near:step.2)                            4.43      1.43     2.03     7.62 1.00     8420     9992
cor(Intercept,distfarvs.near)                        0.17      0.31    -0.46     0.72 1.00    10870    11175
cor(Intercept,step.1)                               -0.08      0.36    -0.74     0.63 1.00    11888    11202
cor(distfarvs.near,step.1)                          -0.10      0.36    -0.74     0.63 1.00    11279    11715
cor(Intercept,step.2)                                0.10      0.38    -0.64     0.76 1.00    11133    11298
cor(distfarvs.near,step.2)                           0.04      0.36    -0.67     0.71 1.00    11826    11366
cor(step.1,step.2)                                   0.08      0.37    -0.65     0.75 1.00    11051    11843
cor(Intercept,distfarvs.near:step.1)                -0.15      0.31    -0.71     0.48 1.00    10575    11414
cor(distfarvs.near,distfarvs.near:step.1)           -0.03      0.31    -0.63     0.55 1.00    11354    11214
cor(step.1,distfarvs.near:step.1)                    0.10      0.36    -0.62     0.75 1.00     9631    11170
cor(step.2,distfarvs.near:step.1)                   -0.06      0.37    -0.72     0.64 1.00     9942    11119
cor(Intercept,distfarvs.near:step.2)                -0.03      0.30    -0.60     0.56 1.00    10448    11401
cor(distfarvs.near,distfarvs.near:step.2)            0.13      0.32    -0.54     0.68 1.00    10016    11414
cor(step.1,distfarvs.near:step.2)                   -0.19      0.36    -0.79     0.56 1.00     8898    10181
cor(step.2,distfarvs.near:step.2)                    0.08      0.35    -0.62     0.72 1.00    10285    11079
cor(distfarvs.near:step.1,distfarvs.near:step.2)    -0.14      0.31    -0.73     0.47 1.00    10651    11765

~subject (Number of levels: 20) 
                                                                         Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(Intercept)                                                                1.13      0.25     0.72     1.70 1.00    10652    11489
sd(biasS.vs.SH)                                                              0.74      0.31     0.11     1.36 1.00     9291     8438
sd(distfarvs.near)                                                           0.32      0.21     0.02     0.78 1.00    10670    11345
sd(step.1)                                                                   2.18      0.73     0.98     3.85 1.00    10761    11029
sd(step.2)                                                                   2.16      0.62     1.07     3.50 1.00    10909    11228
sd(biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near)                                               0.46      0.35     0.02     1.29 1.00    11482    11555
sd(biasS.vs.SH:step.1)                                                       0.98      0.77     0.04     2.90 1.00    10908    11644
sd(biasS.vs.SH:step.2)                                                       1.76      0.95     0.14     3.75 1.00     8580     9191
sd(distfarvs.near:step.1)                                                    1.31      0.96     0.05     3.62 1.00    11588    11515
sd(distfarvs.near:step.2)                                                    0.57      0.45     0.02     1.68 1.00    11302    11260
sd(biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)                                        2.00      1.52     0.08     5.63 1.00    11648    11528
sd(biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)                                        1.22      0.92     0.05     3.45 1.00    11438    11047
cor(Intercept,biasS.vs.SH)                                                  -0.11      0.24    -0.55     0.38 1.00    11551    11973
cor(Intercept,distfarvs.near)                                               -0.15      0.27    -0.63     0.40 1.00    11629    11135
cor(biasS.vs.SH,distfarvs.near)                                              0.01      0.27    -0.50     0.52 1.00    12359    11457
cor(Intercept,step.1)                                                       -0.24      0.23    -0.65     0.22 1.00    12110    11282
cor(biasS.vs.SH,step.1)                                                      0.05      0.25    -0.44     0.53 1.00    11447    11878
cor(distfarvs.near,step.1)                                                   0.16      0.27    -0.39     0.65 1.00    11217    11090
cor(Intercept,step.2)                                                        0.12      0.22    -0.31     0.52 1.00    11399    11553
cor(biasS.vs.SH,step.2)                                                     -0.03      0.24    -0.49     0.45 1.00    10698    11681
cor(distfarvs.near,step.2)                                                  -0.03      0.26    -0.53     0.48 1.00    10442    11566
cor(step.1,step.2)                                                          -0.20      0.24    -0.64     0.29 1.00    11012    11649
cor(Intercept,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near)                                    0.01      0.27    -0.51     0.53 1.00    12058    11927
cor(biasS.vs.SH,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near)                                 -0.04      0.27    -0.55     0.50 1.00    11937    11754
cor(distfarvs.near,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near)                              -0.01      0.28    -0.53     0.52 1.00    12309    11848
cor(step.1,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near)                                       0.02      0.27    -0.50     0.53 1.00    12206    11861
cor(step.2,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near)                                       0.06      0.27    -0.47     0.57 1.00    11380    11891
cor(Intercept,biasS.vs.SH:step.1)                                            0.01      0.27    -0.50     0.54 1.00    11233    11163
cor(biasS.vs.SH,biasS.vs.SH:step.1)                                          0.02      0.27    -0.51     0.54 1.00    12199    12050
cor(distfarvs.near,biasS.vs.SH:step.1)                                      -0.02      0.28    -0.54     0.52 1.00    11763    11261
cor(step.1,biasS.vs.SH:step.1)                                              -0.02      0.27    -0.54     0.51 1.00    12374    11495
cor(step.2,biasS.vs.SH:step.1)                                              -0.06      0.28    -0.57     0.48 1.00    12431    10555
cor(biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near,biasS.vs.SH:step.1)                          -0.02      0.28    -0.55     0.52 1.00    12033    11888
cor(Intercept,biasS.vs.SH:step.2)                                            0.18      0.25    -0.34     0.62 1.00    11501    11923
cor(biasS.vs.SH,biasS.vs.SH:step.2)                                          0.07      0.27    -0.48     0.56 1.00    11773    11684
cor(distfarvs.near,biasS.vs.SH:step.2)                                       0.05      0.27    -0.48     0.56 1.00    11604    11807
cor(step.1,biasS.vs.SH:step.2)                                               0.03      0.25    -0.46     0.52 1.00    11435    11946
cor(step.2,biasS.vs.SH:step.2)                                              -0.19      0.26    -0.65     0.36 1.00    11632    11189
cor(biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near,biasS.vs.SH:step.2)                          -0.01      0.27    -0.53     0.53 1.00    11366    11767
cor(biasS.vs.SH:step.1,biasS.vs.SH:step.2)                                   0.05      0.28    -0.50     0.56 1.00    10864    11161
cor(Intercept,distfarvs.near:step.1)                                         0.03      0.27    -0.49     0.53 1.00    11521    12101
cor(biasS.vs.SH,distfarvs.near:step.1)                                       0.03      0.27    -0.50     0.54 1.00    11963    11472
cor(distfarvs.near,distfarvs.near:step.1)                                    0.01      0.27    -0.53     0.54 1.00    11526    11899
cor(step.1,distfarvs.near:step.1)                                           -0.03      0.27    -0.55     0.49 1.00    11938    11846
cor(step.2,distfarvs.near:step.1)                                           -0.13      0.27    -0.62     0.42 1.00    11726    11764
cor(biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near,distfarvs.near:step.1)                       -0.06      0.28    -0.58     0.49 1.00    11669    11725
cor(biasS.vs.SH:step.1,distfarvs.near:step.1)                                0.00      0.28    -0.54     0.53 1.00    12372    11802
cor(biasS.vs.SH:step.2,distfarvs.near:step.1)                                0.02      0.27    -0.50     0.55 1.00    11870    11405
cor(Intercept,distfarvs.near:step.2)                                        -0.00      0.27    -0.52     0.52 1.00    11415    11497
cor(biasS.vs.SH,distfarvs.near:step.2)                                       0.05      0.28    -0.49     0.57 1.00    12091    11806
cor(distfarvs.near,distfarvs.near:step.2)                                    0.07      0.29    -0.48     0.60 1.00    12138    11917
cor(step.1,distfarvs.near:step.2)                                           -0.00      0.28    -0.54     0.52 1.00    11481    11338
cor(step.2,distfarvs.near:step.2)                                           -0.03      0.27    -0.56     0.50 1.00    11335    11604
cor(biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near,distfarvs.near:step.2)                       -0.00      0.28    -0.54     0.53 1.00    11848    11196
cor(biasS.vs.SH:step.1,distfarvs.near:step.2)                                0.01      0.28    -0.53     0.54 1.00    11494    11496
cor(biasS.vs.SH:step.2,distfarvs.near:step.2)                               -0.03      0.28    -0.55     0.51 1.00    11694    11887
cor(distfarvs.near:step.1,distfarvs.near:step.2)                             0.01      0.28    -0.53     0.54 1.00    12084    11705
cor(Intercept,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)                            -0.08      0.27    -0.59     0.46 1.00    11486    11207
cor(biasS.vs.SH,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)                           0.06      0.27    -0.48     0.57 1.00    11519    11873
cor(distfarvs.near,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)                        0.01      0.28    -0.53     0.55 1.00    12364    11726
cor(step.1,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)                                0.06      0.27    -0.47     0.57 1.00    12151    11849
cor(step.2,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)                               -0.05      0.27    -0.56     0.49 1.00    11994    11404
cor(biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)            0.01      0.28    -0.53     0.53 1.00    11923    12128
cor(biasS.vs.SH:step.1,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)                    0.00      0.28    -0.53     0.53 1.00    11566    11563
cor(biasS.vs.SH:step.2,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)                   -0.05      0.28    -0.58     0.50 1.00    11956    11888
cor(distfarvs.near:step.1,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)                 0.02      0.28    -0.52     0.54 1.00    12302    11848
cor(distfarvs.near:step.2,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1)                 0.01      0.27    -0.52     0.54 1.00    11551    11210
cor(Intercept,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)                            -0.08      0.27    -0.59     0.46 1.00    12252    11877
cor(biasS.vs.SH,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)                           0.02      0.27    -0.51     0.55 1.00    11815    11675
cor(distfarvs.near,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)                        0.04      0.28    -0.50     0.56 1.00    11271    11635
cor(step.1,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)                               -0.02      0.27    -0.53     0.51 1.00    11690    11755
cor(step.2,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)                               -0.00      0.28    -0.53     0.54 1.00    12029    11386
cor(biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)            0.04      0.28    -0.51     0.58 1.00    12180    11682
cor(biasS.vs.SH:step.1,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)                   -0.01      0.28    -0.54     0.52 1.00    11683    11889
cor(biasS.vs.SH:step.2,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)                   -0.01      0.27    -0.53     0.53 1.00    12025    11766
cor(distfarvs.near:step.1,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)                 0.02      0.28    -0.52     0.54 1.00    11973    11687
cor(distfarvs.near:step.2,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)                -0.01      0.28    -0.54     0.51 1.00    11939    11569
cor(biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1,biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2)     0.01      0.27    -0.51     0.53 1.00    11589    10821

Population-Level Effects: 
                                  Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
Intercept                             0.50      0.39    -0.26     1.27 1.00     9264     9988
biasS.vs.SH                           1.81      0.47     0.89     2.77 1.00    11466    11608
distfarvs.near                        0.64      0.51    -0.35     1.65 1.00    11278    11798
step.1                               -9.86      1.08   -12.10    -7.89 1.00    10577    11608
step.2                                2.81      0.89     1.02     4.58 1.00    11005    11047
biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near           -0.60      0.88    -2.36     1.14 1.00    11599    11357
biasS.vs.SH:step.1                    0.95      1.26    -1.42     3.56 1.00    11597    11526
biasS.vs.SH:step.2                    0.80      1.12    -1.37     3.07 1.00    11677    11724
distfarvs.near:step.1                -0.96      1.45    -3.84     1.86 1.00    11740    11198
distfarvs.near:step.2                 1.64      1.36    -0.96     4.38 1.00    11776    11812
biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.1     1.79      2.31    -2.49     6.78 1.00    12002    11286
biasS.vs.SH:distfarvs.near:step.2     0.33      1.97    -3.52     4.30 1.00    12009    11453

Samples were drawn using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

When I look into what caused the warning, I find that a few components of the lower triangular of L have NA Rhats. Looking further into it, it seems that they have constant estimates. Shinystan reports (L1 should be the Cholesky factor of the by-item effects reported in the above output):

             N_eff   mean  se  sd
L_1[1,1]	12,000		1	0	0	

I am not sure what to make out of this. None of the estimates of the cov for the random effects have problematic R-hats (all chains look like they mix well) and none of them seem to have estimates close to any boundary condition. What does it mean that samples of L_1[1,1] seems to be constant across and within chains? And does this indicate a problem in the model’s assumptions? Thank you for any pointers and apologies if this is a naive question. (Fwiw, the data are approximately balanced with 24+ data points in each of the 2x2 cells defined by bias and dist).

No. The upper triangular elements of a Cholesky factor are not random variables since they are zero. Thus, neither the R_hat nor any other quantity in that summary is well-defined for them. Similarly, the top left element of a Cholesky factor of a correlation matrix is not a random variance since it is fixed to 1.

This does take care of things. I had forgotten that the LDL decomposition results in 1s on the diagonal. Also, it seems that this was entirely due to an issue already reported and that my assumption that I had the most recent version was wrong.