-nan results with lkj_corr_cholesky

I went looking for the onion method in the google forums and I came across this discussion on hierarchically modeling correlation matrices. Which has been brought up again on these forums (by me Weighted correlation matrices and cholesky_factor_corr - #7 by Joran and others https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/sum-of-cholesky-factors-vs-sum-of-covariance/16293.

The onion method is more promising since it is derived from unit vectors to the left of the diagonal on the Cholesky factor of a KxK correlation matrix, but there is no easy way in the Stan language to get as many unit vectors as there are countries for each value of k between 2 and K. Link to post.

Is this issue still an issue in current stan?

Also, I got a bunch of warnings when I tested the stan code about not filling in the L matrix. Not sure if that matters. I instantiated L as a zero matrix and I removed that nested loop. I didn’t see any performance improvements but I also didn’t extensively test.

data {
  int<lower = 0> K;
  real<lower = 0> eta;
transformed data {
  real<lower = 0> alpha = eta + (K - 2) / 2.0;
  vector<lower = 0>[K-1] shape1;
  vector<lower = 0>[K-1] shape2;

  shape1[1] = alpha;
  shape2[1] = alpha;
  for(k in 2:(K-1)) {
    alpha -= 0.5;
    shape1[k] = k / 2.0;
    shape2[k] = alpha;
parameters {
  row_vector[choose(K, 2) - 1]  l;         // do NOT init with 0 for all elements
  vector<lower = 0,upper = 1>[K-1] R2; // first element is not really a R^2 but is on (0,1)  
model {
  // priors that imply Sigma ~ lkj_corr(eta)
  l ~ std_normal();
  R2 ~ beta(shape1, shape2);
generated quantities {
  matrix[K,K] Sigma;
  matrix[K,K] L = rep_matrix(0, K, K);
    int start = 1;
    int end = 2;

    L[1,1] = 1.0;
    L[2,1] = 2.0 * R2[1] - 1.0;
    L[2,2] = sqrt(1.0 - square(L[2,1]));
    for(k in 2:(K-1)) {
      int kp1 = k + 1;
      row_vector[k] l_row = segment(l, start, k);
      real scale = sqrt(R2[k] / dot_self(l_row));
      L[kp1, 1:k] = l_row[1:k] * scale;
      L[kp1, kp1] = sqrt(1.0 - R2[k]);
      start = end + 1;
      end = start + k - 1;

    Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);

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