My estimation is using a ton of memory and then subsequently crashing, even though the model is relatively simple

My data matrix (counts) is pretty small. Only 200x5, so data size is not a problem. When i run my estimation my computer slows down drastically and it tries to use a ton of memory, even when i check my hard disk it starts to lose like 20 gb. The error code is as follows:

Error in unserialize(socklist[[n]]) : error reading from connection
Error in serialize(data, node$con, xdr = FALSE) :
error writing to connection

I would assume it has something to do with my normalizing_constant function. However, i tried to raise the log_error value to a higher value and yet the error still occurs. I added a print(j) in the function to see how many iterations it was taking for each sum, and with my current log_error, it only takes 2 or 3 to satisfy the while loop condition. Any ideas what could be causing this problem?

functions {
  real log_fact(real x) {
    return lgamma(x + 1);
  real com_log_sum(real x, real y) {
    if (x == negative_infinity())
      return y;
    else if (y == negative_infinity())
      return x;
    else if (x > y)
      return x + log1p(exp(y - x));
      return y + log1p(exp(x - y));
  real normalizing_constant(real lambda, real nu, real log_error) {
    real z = negative_infinity();
    real z_last = 0;
    int j = 0;
    real log_lambda = log(lambda);
    while (fabs(z - z_last) > log_error) {
      z_last = z;
      z = com_log_sum(z, j * log_lambda - nu * log_fact(j));
      j = j + 1;

    return z;

data {
  int<lower=1> N;  // number of observations
  int<lower=1> I;  // number of items
  int<lower=0> counts[N,I];  // observed counts

parameters {
  vector[N] omega;
  vector[I] theta;

transformed parameters {
  vector[I] nu = rep_vector(1,I);
  real log_error = 3;
  matrix[N, I] lambda;
  for (n in 1:N) {
    for (i in 1:I) {
      lambda[n, i] = exp(nu[i] * (omega[n] + theta[i]));

model {

  // Priors
  omega ~ normal(0, .6);
  theta ~ normal(0, .6);

  // Likelihood
  for (n in 1:N) {
    for (i in 1:I) {
      real l;
      real log_C;
      log_C = normalizing_constant(lambda[n, i], nu[i], log_error);
      l = counts[n, i] * log(lambda[n, i]) - nu[i] * log_fact(counts[n, i]) - log_C;
      target += l;
