I am working on a model at the moment to fit simulated data (if I have coded correctly the model should exactly match the data generating process). The problem I am having is a massive memory blow-up when I run it. I am using cmdstanr and I get the same problem whether I use variational() or sample().
By my calculations, there should be <5 MB of data (assuming int and real both take 8 bytes for C types double and long), plus there are 17 parameters (negligible impact on memory) and 40,000 transformed parameters (~0.3 MB).
When I run the model it instantly jumps to take all available memory on my machine (typically 8-10 GB) and then everything freezes up as the system tries to give it more memory.
I have separated out the mathematics of the model into functions, in particular one is called partial_sum and is designed to produce the log-likelihood for a slice of the data (so I can eventually use reduce_sum), and this in turn calls two small functions (markov and natural_history).
I would be very grateful for any help!
I have posted the full model below in case there is anything stupid I’ve done…
functions {
// A simple function to project the state from time t0 to t
vector markov(real t0,
real t,
vector y,
real ab_lambda,
real ab_gamma,
real lambda_bc,
real lambda_bd,
real lambda_ce,
real lambda_cz,
real oy_lambda,
real oy_gamma) {
int N = 40;
vector[7] result = y;
matrix[7, 7] trans_mat;
real t_step = (t - t0) / N;
trans_mat[1, 2:3] = [0, 0];
trans_mat[2, 3] = 0;
trans_mat[3:6, 1] = [0, 0, 0, 0]';
trans_mat[4, 3] = 0;
trans_mat[5:6, 2] = [0, 0]';
trans_mat[1:7, 4:7] = rep_matrix(0, 7, 4);
for (i in 0:(N - 1)) {
real r_exit_a;
real r_exit_b;
real r_exit_c;
real H_ab_l = ab_lambda * (t0 + i * t_step) ^ ab_gamma;
real H_ab_r = ab_lambda * (t0 + (i + 1) * t_step) ^ ab_gamma;
real H_oy_l = oy_lambda * (t0 + i * t_step) ^ oy_gamma;
real H_oy_r = oy_lambda * (t0 + (i + 1) * t_step) ^ oy_gamma;
r_exit_a = (H_ab_r - H_ab_l) + (H_oy_r - H_oy_l);
r_exit_b = (lambda_bc + lambda_bd) * t_step + (H_oy_r - H_oy_l);
r_exit_c = (lambda_ce + lambda_cz) * t_step + (H_oy_r - H_oy_l);
trans_mat[1, 1] = exp(-r_exit_a);
trans_mat[2, 1] = (H_ab_r - H_ab_l) / r_exit_a * (1 - trans_mat[1, 1]);
trans_mat[7, 1] = (H_oy_r - H_oy_l) / r_exit_a * (1 - trans_mat[1, 1]);
trans_mat[2, 2] = exp(-r_exit_b);
trans_mat[3, 2] = lambda_bc * t_step / r_exit_b * (1 - trans_mat[2, 2]);
trans_mat[4, 2] = lambda_bd * t_step / r_exit_b * (1 - trans_mat[2, 2]);
trans_mat[7, 2] = (H_oy_r - H_oy_l) * t_step / r_exit_b * (1 - trans_mat[2, 2]);
trans_mat[3, 3] = exp(-r_exit_c);
trans_mat[5, 3] = lambda_ce * t_step / r_exit_c * (1 - trans_mat[3, 3]);
trans_mat[6, 3] = lambda_cz * t_step / r_exit_c * (1 - trans_mat[3, 3]);
trans_mat[7, 3] = (H_oy_r - H_oy_l) * t_step / r_exit_c * (1 - trans_mat[3, 3]);
result = trans_mat * result;
return result;
// Specification of the ODE
vector natural_history(real t,
vector y,
real ab_lambda,
real ab_gamma,
real lambda_bc,
real lambda_bd,
real lambda_ce,
real lambda_cz,
real oy_lambda,
real oy_gamma) {
vector[7] dydt;
real h_ab;
real h_oy;
h_ab = ab_lambda * ab_gamma * t ^ (ab_gamma - 1);
h_oy = oy_lambda * oy_gamma * t ^ (oy_gamma - 1);
dydt[1] = -(h_ab + h_oy) * y[1];
dydt[2] = h_ab * y[1] - (lambda_bc + lambda_bd + h_oy) * y[2];
dydt[3] = lambda_bc * y[2] - (lambda_ce + lambda_cz + h_oy) * y[3];
dydt[4] = lambda_bd * y[2];
dydt[5] = lambda_ce * y[3];
dydt[6] = lambda_cz * y[3];
dydt[7] = h_oy * (y[1] + y[2] + y[3]);
return dydt;
// The main work of the model
// For each patient it estimates their baseline state and then iterates over their follow-up records
real partial_sum(int[] pt_slice,
int start, int end,
// Data
real[] plco,
int[] recordtype,
int[] event,
real[] t_l,
real[] t_r,
int[] pt_first,
int[] pt_records,
// Parameters
real sens,
real be_plco,
real be_cons,
real bl_plco,
real bl_cons,
real ab_gamma,
real lambda_bc,
real lambda_bd,
real lambda_ce,
real lambda_cz,
real oy_gamma,
real[] ab_lambda,
real[] oy_lambda) {
real loglik = 0;
// We have a slice of patients to calculate the likelihood for
for (pid in start:end) {
vector[7] state;
// Baseline state model
real beta_early;
real beta_late;
real denom;
beta_early = be_plco * plco[pid] + be_cons;
beta_late = bl_plco * plco[pid] + bl_cons;
denom = 1 + exp(beta_early) + exp(beta_late);
state[1] = 1 / denom;
state[2] = exp(beta_early) / denom;
state[3] = exp(beta_late) / denom;
state[4:7] = [0, 0, 0, 0]';
// Subsequent observations
for (n in (pt_first[pid]):(pt_first[pid] + pt_records[pid] - 1)) {
vector[7] prior_state = state;
if (recordtype[n] == 1) {
// It's a screen
if (event[n] == 1) {
// Negative screen
loglik += log(prior_state[1] +
prior_state[2] * (1 - sens));
state[1] = (1 - prior_state[2]) /
(1 - sens * prior_state[2]);
state[2] = 1 - state[1];
state[3:7] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]';
} else if (event[n] == 2) {
// Screen-detected early lung cancer
loglik += log(prior_state[2]);
} else if (event[n] == 3) {
// Screen-detected late lung cancer
loglik += log(prior_state[3]);
} else if (recordtype[n] == 2) {
// It's a follow-up
// Simulate forwards
state = markov(t_l[n],
if (event[n] == 4) {
// Survive to end of period
real d = state[1] + state[2] + state[3];
loglik += log(d);
state[1] = state[1] / d;
state[2] = state[2] / d;
state[3] = state[3] / d;
state[4:7] = [0, 0, 0, 0]';
} else if (event[n] >= 5) {
vector[7] dydt;
dydt = natural_history(t_r[n],
if (event[n] == 5) {
// Non-screen-detected early lung cancer
loglik += log(dydt[4]);
} else if (event[n] == 6) {
// Non-screen-detected late lung cancer
loglik += log(dydt[5]);
} else if (event[n] == 7) {
// Death without lung cancer diagnosis
loglik += log(dydt[6] + dydt[7]);
return loglik;
data {
int<lower=0> N;
int<lower=0> N_pt;
real plco[N_pt];
int<lower=0,upper=1> cigsmok[N_pt];
int<lower=1,upper=N> pt_records[N_pt];
int<lower=1,upper=N> pt_first[N_pt];
int<lower=0,upper=2> recordtype[N];
int<lower=0,upper=7> event[N];
real<lower=0> t_l[N];
real<lower=0> t_r[N];
parameters {
real<lower=0,upper=1> sens;
real be_plco;
real be_cons;
real bl_plco;
real bl_cons;
real ab_plco;
real ab_plco_cigsmok;
real ab_cons;
real<lower=1> ab_gamma;
real<lower=0> lambda_bc;
real<lower=0> lambda_bd;
real<lower=0> lambda_ce;
real<lower=0> lambda_cz;
real oy_plco;
real oy_plco_cigsmok;
real oy_cons;
real<lower=1> oy_gamma;
transformed parameters {
real ab_lambda[N_pt];
real oy_lambda[N_pt];
for (n in 1:N_pt) {
ab_lambda[n] = exp(ab_plco * plco[n] + ab_plco_cigsmok * plco[n] * cigsmok[n]);
oy_lambda[n] = exp(oy_plco * plco[n] + oy_plco_cigsmok * plco[n] * cigsmok[n]);
model {
// Priors
sens ~ beta(3, 2);
be_plco ~ normal(1, 1);
be_cons ~ normal(-2, 4);
bl_plco ~ normal(1, 1);
bl_cons ~ normal(-2, 4);
ab_plco ~ normal(1, 2);
ab_plco_cigsmok ~ normal(0, 2);
ab_cons ~ normal(-2, 4);
ab_gamma ~ lognormal(1, 0.5);
lambda_bc ~ lognormal(0, 1);
lambda_bd ~ lognormal(0, 1);
lambda_ce ~ lognormal(1, 1);
lambda_cz ~ lognormal(0, 1);
oy_plco ~ normal(1, 2);
oy_plco_cigsmok ~ normal(0, 2);
oy_cons ~ normal(-2, 4);
oy_gamma ~ lognormal(1, 0.5);
// I have separated the model into a function in order to parallelise
// But this is the sequential version of the code
target += partial_sum(pt_first,
1, N_pt,
// Data
// Parameters