I am new to Stan (accessing through RStan) and am trying to fit a latent variable model to ordered data. This is the model I am using to fit it:
int<lower=0> n; // number of data points (4163)
int<lower=0> j; // number of item parameters (5)
int y1[n];
int y2[n];
int y3[n];
int y4[n];
int y5[n];
int<lower=2> k2;
int<lower=2> k3;
int<lower=2> k4;
int<lower=2> k5;
vector[j] alpha; // item difficulty parameters
real<lower=0> beta[j]; // item discrimination parameters
vector[n] theta; // latent variables
ordered[k2-1] c2;
ordered[k3-1] c3;
ordered[k4-1] c4;
ordered[k5-1] c5;
theta ~ normal(0, 1); // fixing latent variable scale
alpha ~ normal(0, 10); // prior on item difficulty
beta ~ gamma(4, 3); // prior on item discrimination
y1 ~ bernoulli_logit(alpha[1] + beta[1] * theta);
y2 ~ ordered_logistic(alpha[2] + beta[2] * theta, c2);
y3 ~ ordered_logistic(alpha[3] + beta[3] * theta, c3);
y4 ~ ordered_logistic(alpha[4] + beta[4] * theta, c4);
y5 ~ ordered_logistic(alpha[5] + beta[5] * theta, c5);
When I run the model using one Markov chain, I achieve convergence, but all iterations exceed maximum tree depth. Trying to rerun the model adjusting maximum tree depth to 15 crashes my R session and does not go beyond sampling of 0%. Using two Markov chains, all else unchanged, the model fits with no divergent transitions, but there is no sign of convergence (Rhats are very high, and traceplots are fairly straight lines and the two chains do not overlap). The only warning message I get upon fitting is again maximum tree depth, but when reading the brief warning description it seems that this issue is related to efficiency of sampling rather than convergence. Is there something that I can do in order to get the model to converge on multiple chains?
Justin M.