Monthly Math development meeting: 05/21/2020

I am hoping I make it.

If I make it, we could discuss moving Windows Rtools 3.5 testing to Github Actions and moving Jenkins Windows agents to Rtools 4.0 : Using GitHub Actions on the Stan Math library


  • This would speedup Jenkins testing (we are currently limiting the parallel execution on Jenkins agents as the g++ 4.9.3 uses much more RAM and tests crash if too many parallel compilations are running).
  • faster testing would enable us to add more testing coverage for Windows (OpenCL, threading tests, etc) and stay in “finite” testing time
  • would enable “Jumbo” test files on windows which again speeds up testing
  • obviously adds testing coverage for Windows with RTools 4.0 to which I suspect our users will move soon. And we should be suggesting that also now that compiling with Rtools 4.0 will be ~2x faster:
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