Monthly language dev meeting

I’ve edited the post to add some notes, let me know if it needs any more!

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@rok_cesnovar this is good to go for the blog, thanks everyone!

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3 posts were split to a new topic: User defined gradients updates

I’m not going to be able to attend next week’s meeting, but I only have two real updates:

  1. Complex matrices/vectors MVP (Complex containers by WardBrian · Pull Request #1133 · stan-dev/stanc3 · GitHub) is passing tests and should be merged in the next couple weeks if nothing major comes up
  2. I posted a design doc about language annotations (Java-style @annotations for user-guided optimization by WardBrian · Pull Request #45 · stan-dev/design-docs · GitHub). Hopefully @rok_cesnovar can join to discuss these
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The monthly language meeting is tomorrow (Thursday) at 10 am NY time. If anyone would like a Google Calendar invite or Zoom link, please let me know either here or via email.

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Looking like I’m not going to be able to make it either, please let me know if something comes up that I can help with

Monthly language meeting is again tomorrow (Thu—April 14) at 10 am NYC time. Please let me know if you need an invite to the Zoom meeting.

Notes from today’s meeting

  • @louis-mandel had some thoughts on the standard library refactor (see stanc3#1182, stanc3#1184).
    He brought up a few advantages to the first approach which I had not considered, namely that there are very valid uses for wanting multiple libraries in the same compiler instance - his numpyro/pyro project lets you choose between those two backends with a flag, for example. @stevebronder and I are going to consider the original PR which would allow this more.

  • I brought up two design docs which have received positive feedback and seem ready for formal review, Tuples (which @stevebronder said he would look at) and Annotations (which @Bob_Carpenter said he would)

  • With the addition of complex vector types, we want to define signatures like abs(complex_vector) => vector. To avoid unnecessary promotions, we should also vectorize the other signatures of abs. This leaves fabs as redundant, and we will be deprecating it. We will probably do something similar to fmin and fmax in the future as well.


This is going on now! I don’t have much myself this meeting so we may call it early if nobody else arrives

There’s another Stan language meeting this week (Thu Jul 14). If you’d like to be added to the zoom invite list, please let me know (

It’s that time of month again and we have another language meeting this week (Thu Aug 11) at 10 am NY time (just before the weekly Stan meeting). If you’d like to be added to the zoom list, please let me know via email at

We haven’t been great about bumping this thread, but this month’s meeting will start in ~45 minutes. Anyone is welcome to join if they’re interested in talking about the language!

Another meeting tomorrow (Thu Nov 10). If anyone wants to join and isn’t on the Zoom invite list, please let me know and I’ll add you. It’s an open meeting.

It’s that time again. Another language meeting tomorrow 12 January 2023 at 10 am NY time (directly before the Stan gathering). It’s open to everyone, but you need to let me know if you want to attend so I can share a zoom link and optionally a Google Calendar invite.


This month’s meeting will start in about 40 minutes

Neither @Bob_Carpenter nor I are available at the regular time tomorrow, so most likely this will not happen this month unless someone has something they want to discuss and we can find an alternative time.

In terms of language development, the latest from me is I believe I have a working implementation of tuple unpacking.


Been a while since we bumped this thread, but these meetings do still happen monthly. Next one is tomorrow morning, for those interested in joining

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