I have a problem,parameters ‘theta’& ‘tau’ have known condition posterior close form(theta&tau have conjugate prior),but parameter ‘nu’ condition posterior is unknown,only ‘nu’ need to use MCMC,how to implement code in R & Stan?
data {
int<lower=0> N;
int<lower=0> M;
matrix [N,M] y;
matrix [N,M] deltat;
real<lower=0> alpha_tau;
real<lower=0> beta_tau;
real mu_theta;
real sigma_theta;
real<lower=0> alpha_nu;
real<lower=0> beta_nu;
parameters {
//real theta;
real eta;
real<lower=0> nu;
//real<lower=0> sigma;
matrix<lower=0>[N,M] g;
transformed parameters{
real theta;
theta = mu_theta+sigma_theta*eta;
model {
// prior
nu ~ gamma(alpha_nu, beta_nu);
tau ~ gamma(alpha_tau, beta_tau);
for(i in 1:N){
for(j in 1:M){
//print("before: i=",i,", j=",j,", gamma[i,j]=",g[i,j]);
g[i,j] ~ gamma(deltat[i,j]*nu,1/nu);
//print("after: i=",i,", j=",j,", gamma[i,j]=",g[i,j]);
y[i,j] ~ normal(theta*g[i,j],sqrt(g[i,j]*1/tau));
//y[i,j] ~ normal(theta*g[i,j],sigma*sqrt(g[i,j]));
# library(extraDistr)
stan_file <- "VGP_conjugate.stan"
stan_model <- stan_model(file = stan_file)
stan_model <- normalizePath(paste0(getwd(),"/VGP_conjugate.stan"))
#VGP sample code structure
VGP_generator_BGSS <- function(tau, theta, nu, n, T, mu=1){
# n <- 2^k
shape <- mu^2/nu
scale <- nu/mu
GP <- rgamma(n, shape=shape*T/n, scale=scale)
Z <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1)
VGP <- rep(0, times=n+1)
for (i in 1:n) {
#VGP[i+1] <- VGP[i] + theta*GP[i] + sigma*sqrt(GP[i])*Z[i]
VGP[i+1] <- VGP[i] + theta*GP[i] + sqrt(1/tau)*sqrt(GP[i])*Z[i]
VGP_df <- data.frame(
degradation = VGP,
time = seq(from=0,to=T,by=T/n)
degradation_increment <- diff(VGP_df$degradation)
time_increment <- diff(VGP_df$time)
increments_df <- data.frame(
degradation_increment = degradation_increment,
time_increment = time_increment
return(list(VGP_df = VGP_df, increments_df = increments_df))
#####Generate data (generate data do not need prior)
n <- 1000
#parameters (true parameter, answer, later we will estimate these two parameter)
tau = 1
theta = 1
nu = 1
samples <- VGP_generator_BGSS(tau, theta, nu, n, T=1000)
y = samples$increments_df['degradation_increment']
deltat = samples$increments_df['time_increment']
y_matrix <- as.matrix(samples$increments_df['degradation_increment'])
deltat_matrix <- as.matrix(samples$increments_df['time_increment'])
####Bayesian setting
#mu_sigma = 1
#sigma_sigma = 1
alpha_tau = 1
beta_tau = 1
mu_theta = 1
sigma_theta = 1
alpha_nu = 1
beta_nu = 1
# fit model
stan_data <- list(N = n, M = 1, y = y_matrix, deltat = deltat_matrix, alpha_tau = alpha_tau, beta_tau = beta_tau, mu_theta = mu_theta, sigma_theta = sigma_theta, alpha_nu = alpha_nu, beta_nu = beta_nu)
stan_fit <- stan(file = stan_model, data = stan_data, iter = 2000, chains = 4, warmup = 500, thin = 10)