Metrum workshop on Bayesian PMX analysis using Torsten at PAGE 2020

Metrum Research Group will present a one-day workshop entitled “ Flexible and efficient Bayesian pharmacometric data analysis using Torsten ” on Tuesday 9 June 2020, 08:00-17:00 . The location site will be near the PAGE 2020 meeting (Cankarjev Dom cultural and congress centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia).

We will provide a guided hands-on experience in the use of Torsten for Bayesian pharmacometric modeling with emphasis on models requiring numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Torsten extends Stan, a flexible open-source software platform for Bayesian data analysis, by addition of a library of functions for efficient implementation of pharmacometric models. This workshop builds on the foundations presented in our previous introductory Stan workshops. You will execute Bayesian data analysis examples using Torsten. Via the examples you will learn to implement PK and PKPD models including those involving censoring, numerical solution of ODEs, and user-defined probability distributions and likelihoods. Additional topics will include within-chain parallel computation and use of Stan’s ADVI inference engine for approximate Bayesian analysis. Cost (USD) will be $600 for industry, $300 for academia/government/non-profit and $150 for students. Click here for details and registration.


Looks really interesting.

I can also vouch that the location is nice :)

This is a long way off, but if anyone plans to be there and wants to meet for a discussion/drinks, hit me up.