I’m working with a Stan model, and I changed my computation workflow. I didn’t add any new data or parameters, but I did replace a simple computation in parameter transformation with a more complex one. Thus caused Stan to start using several times more memory; in fact it now would grab all available memory and swap and freeze.
Is there a description somewhere of how Stan uses memory, so that I can figure out what specifically causes this?
It’s a large data model, so it was taking about 6GB before the change. Not it takes several times as much (more than 18GB, but I don’t know how much more).
As for the change, to summarize: Each data point belongs in a group, and most parameters are estimated per group (with hyperpriors and some shared parameters).
So I have transformed param
for(i in 1:n) lambda[i] = param1[group[i]] * get_coefficient(param2[group[i]], param3[group[i]], param4)
value ~ poisson(lambda)
I changed the way the lambda is computed: it still uses the same parameters, but now it’s not complex.