I am trying fitting intertemporal choice heuristic (ITCH) model from Ericson, K. M., et al. (2015). “Money earlier or later? Simple heuristics explain intertemporal choices better than delay discounting does.” Psychol Sci 26(6): 826-833. to my sample data, but the MCMC chain does not converge. I have added the iteration number into 11000, but some para’s r hat is still large than 1.1. Is something wrong with my code? Thank you very much.
int<lower=1> n_s; // number of subjects
int<lower=1> nTrials; // number of trials
int<lower=0, upper=2> choice[n_s, nTrials]; // 0 for ss choice, 1 for ll choice
real<lower=0> ss_money[n_s, nTrials];
real<lower=0> ss_time[n_s, nTrials];
real<lower=1> ll_money[n_s, nTrials];
real<lower=1> ll_time[n_s, nTrials];
} // end data
// group raw parameters
// mean
vector [5] mean_raw;
// SD
vector <lower=0> [5] sd_raw;
// subject raw parameters
vector[n_s] beta0_raw;
vector[n_s] beta1_raw;
vector[n_s] beta2_raw;
vector[n_s] beta3_raw;
vector[n_s] tau_raw;
transformed parameters{
// real subject parameters
vector [n_s] beta0;
vector<lower=0>[n_s] beta1;
vector<lower=0>[n_s] beta2;
vector [n_s] beta3;
vector <lower=0> [n_s] tau;
// matt trick
real utility;
mean_raw ~ normal(0,1);
sd_raw ~ cauchy(0,3);
beta0 ~ normal(0,1);
for (i in 1:n_s){
for(t in 1:nTrials){
utility = beta0[i]+beta1[i]*(ll_money[i,t]-ss_money[i,t])+beta2[i]*(2*(ll_money[i,t]-ss_money[i,t])/(ll_money[i,t]+ss_money[i,t]))+beta3[i]*(ll_time[i,t]-ss_time[i,t]);
choice[i,t] ~ bernoulli_logit(tau[i]*utility);
generated quantities {
real utility;
// log likelihood and generated predictions
real log_lik[n_s];
real y_pred[n_s,nTrials];
// fitted parameters
real beta0_fit;
real beta1_fit;
real beta2_fit;
real beta3_fit;
real tau_fit;
for (i in 1:n_s){
for(t in 1:nTrials){
utility = beta0[i]+beta1[i]*(ll_money[i,t]-ss_money[i,t])+beta2[i]*(2*(ll_money[i,t]-ss_money[i,t])/(ll_money[i,t]+ss_money[i,t]))+beta3[i]*(ll_time[i,t]-ss_time[i,t]);
log_lik[i] += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(choice[i, t] | tau[i]*utility);
y_pred[i, t] =bernoulli_rng(inv_logit(tau[i] *utility)) ;
Is that intentional? The model above doesn’t appear to call for it.
I might be looking at the wrong model though, since the construction of your linear term and the above are not the same.
Additionally, your construction of the non-centered parameterisation (the ‘matt trick’) is a little off, you need to have the normal(0,1) priors on the beta_raw & tau_raw parameters, not the betas & tau themselves (since those are constructed after the fact in the transformed parameters). Additionally, you can use the std_normal() prior instead. So your priors should like:
Thank you so much !! I made terrible and stupid mistake. And thank you again for the suggestion of vectorising the inner loop, i really appreciate it. I used exp to transform the parameters only to make sure some of them are postive or negative. And is there any other way that can make sure the parameter is postive or negative?
To constrain the beta to be either positive or negative when using the non-centered parameterisation, you need to place the appropriate lower= or upper= on the respective _raw variable.
For your beta variables, if you want to constrain them to be positive, then you need to declare the respective beta_raw variable with the lower bound: <lower = -mean_raw/sd_raw> (more background on that derivation in this post). If you want them to be negative, then that constraint simply becomes <upper= -mean_raw/sd_raw>.
Based on your original code, I’ll assume that beta[1] (the intercept) can be either positive or negative, beta[2] and beta[3] should be positive, beta[4] should be negative, and beta[5] should be positive. But if that’s not the case, then you can just modify the code accordingly.