I only have access to this iMac for a few more days (father has one) and I’m testing out cmdstanr.
I haven’t seen this particular issue mentioned. I’m using cmdstanr and cmdstan 2.28.2. Everything installs and I can compile and sample models. But I can only do this once. If I change the Stan file or I force_recompile the model compiles but I cannot sample from it.
The error I’m getting says zsh killed process. I believe that the recompilation is kicking off a terminal process in Rosetta and then when it tries to call this process zsh kills it immediately because it’s arm compiled.
I can only get sampling to start if I manually go into the directory with the compiled Stan model, delete it, and then recompile.
I have a similar issue with M1 Mac, and tried to use your code. But I had the following error message. Maybe, the file is not available anymore. Is there a way that I can use it? Thank you in advance for your advice!