Looking for help with brms

Dear all,

I am about the finish up my PhD, but am stuck with the anlysis of my data. The statisticians I had help from in the past are not available anymore.

I have used mized-models in brms in previous articles to answer questions regarding behavioural repeatability and correlations (see for example Activity vs exploration: Locomotion in a known and unknown environment differs in Atlantic cod juveniles (Gadus morhua) - ScienceDirect)

My current model is more complicated then that: I have nested random effects and am stuck with calculating repeatability and correlations among these.

I am searching for someone who can guide me through this process with one or more (if I need to run models that take time) zoom meetings. I can offer you a place as co-author on my article.

I hope one of your knowledgeable people want to help me out!
