Looking for first-author collaborator to complete sccomp (outlier-aware multinomial regression tool), based on ppcseq we have just published

Hello Community,

we have just published our tool for outlier-aware negative binomial regression. Using an iterative approach for outlier detection.

Probabilistic outlier identification for RNA sequencing generalized linear models | NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics | Oxford Academic (oup.com)

Now, even more impactful (and trendy) in genetics will be the next tool sccomp, for dirichlet-multinomial (or even better dirichlet negative multinomial) regression and outlier detection, for compositional analysis of single-cell data.

Although the base tool is ready it remains to:

I am happy to coordinate the work, and leave as first author the person who will complete the project. I am also happy to share last authorship with the lab head the student is from.

Please let me know if interested. Spread the word please ;)