Collaborate to address reviewers comments for, Cell Press (IF 42) or Immunity (IF 25)

Hello Community,

we received reviewers feedback from Cell Press for this manuscript

The editor rejected the paper, but the reviewers comments are addressable. Alternative they offered to move to another journal, with the comments addressed (e.g. Immunity).

Although this study is very high impact, there is not guarantee to be accepted in these two journals. However, we have high confidence that it will be and influential study, and published in a very high-impact journal.

I am looking for one or more collaborators to address a part of the modeling that requires extending sccomp (compositional analysis using sum-constrained beta-binomial) to nested random effects. Now, it can handle one-level random effects.

sccomp manuscript
github GitHub - MangiolaLaboratory/sccomp: Testing differences in cell type proportions from single-cell data.

Tagging @paul.buerkner in case you and any member of your team would be interested.



Shall we schedule a call where you explain your research question and challenges a bit more? Perhaps I have some ideas.

Sure Paul,

how about

9AM Berlin time of Thursday or Friday?

I will DM my email so I can send a calendar invite in case those times suit you.