Jacobian of softmax tansformation of a (n-1 degrees of freedom) unbounded parameter

Hello Community,

I have a dirichlet regression

simplex_parameter ~ dirichlet(softmax(X * alpha_parameter) * phi_parameter)

I would like to compare MC with variational bayes, however Isuppose this does not play well with a posterior that is beta shaped (bounded at 0,1). Using unbouded parameter (with the right n-1 degrees of freedom) might make it more compativle with variational (?).

softmax(n_minus_1_df_parameter) ~ dirichlet(softmax(X * alpha_parameter) * phi_parameter);

// jacobian ...

Hence, my question about variable transformation.

Sorry for tagging you directly, but I was wondering if @Bob_Carpenter or @avehtari had some advise on this.


I am not sure I understand exactly what you are after but (Jacobian of) transformations between spaces with different dimensions were discussed at: Non-invertible change of variables?

Is this what you are after?

Best of luck!

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As far as I can understand (please @betanalpha correct if wrong )

there is one-to-one correspondence between

an unbounded (-Inf, Inf) vector with n-1 degrees of freedom, and a simplex.

I was imagining that softmax transformation would require some Jacobian correction similar to the log transformation.

See https://arxiv.org/abs/1010.3436. The Stan manual also has a derivation based on the stick breaking process, or at least it used to.


@andrjohns I tried to implement your jacobian correction in a dummy model. Considered my still very poor knowledge on the matter, I was wondering if you could guess why it is not converging.

Model using simplex

transformed data{    vector[4] alpha = [1,2,3,4]';     }
parameters{	         simplex[4] prop;                  }
model{               prop ~ dirichlet(alpha);          }

Model using softmax

    vector sum_to_zero(vector v){
    	int K = rows(v)+1;
    	vector[K] v_0;
    	v_0[1:(K-1)] = v;
    	v_0[K] = -sum(v_0[1:(K-1)]);
transformed data{
	int K = 4;
	int N = 1;

	vector[K] alpha = [1,2,3,4]';
	matrix[K,K] ident = diag_matrix(rep_vector(1,K));
parameters{     vector[K-1] rate_raw;    }
transformed parameters{
	simplex[K] prop[N];
	prop[1] = softmax(sum_to_zero(rate_raw));
    for(n in 1:N) {
    	matrix[K,K] jacobian;
    	prop[n] ~ dirichlet(alpha);
    	for(i in 1:K) {  for(j in 1:K) {
    		jacobian[i,j] = prop[n,i] * (ident[i,j] - prop[n,j]);

    	target += log_determinant(jacobian);
There were 2075 divergent transitions after warmup.


This will be something to call in someone with deeper knowledge for.

@betanalpha we’re trying to implement the jacobian correction for giving a prior to the softmax of a vector, but sampling is terrible.

Where the Jacobian of the softmax s(x) is given by:

J_x(s) = \text{diag}(s) - ss^T

A reproducible example is below:

stancode = "data {
  int K;

transformed data{
  vector[K] alpha = [1,2,3,4]';
  matrix[K,K] ident = diag_matrix(rep_vector(1,K));

 vector[K] prop;

transformed parameters {
  simplex[K] prop_soft = softmax(prop);

  prop_soft ~ dirichlet(alpha);

  target += log_determinant(diag_matrix(prop_soft) - prop_soft*prop_soft');

mod = stan(model_code=stancode,data=list(K=4))

Is there a step we’ve missed here?

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The sampling is terrible because that model is over-parameterized. Multiplying all elements of prop by a constant yields the same prop_soft, and because the target density depends only on prop_soft it will be invariant to such scalings. Consequently the target density will be non-identified and nearly impossible to completely sample.

Note that there is a more general, well-known result – if each exp(prop) follows a distribution specified by a gamma density function with shape parameter \alpha_{n} then the pushforward distribution of prop_soft will be given by a Dirichlet density with parameters \{\alpha_{1}, \ldots, \alpha_{N} \}. This can be useful for forward sampling but it’s not very useful for inference due to the inherent degeneracy.


If I’m not mistaking you are referring to that prop must have K-1 degrees of freedom. I have implemented the non-overparametrised model but we still get non-convergence.

Is it possible we are doing some trivial mistake in the implementation of the jacobian?

	vector sum_to_zero(vector v){
		int K = rows(v)+1;
		vector[K] v_0;
		v_0[1:(K-1)] = v;
		v_0[K] = -sum(v_0[1:(K-1)]);
transformed data{
  int K = 4;
  vector[K] alpha = [1,2,3,4]';
  matrix[K,K] ident = diag_matrix(rep_vector(1,K));
parameters{  vector[K-1] prop; }
transformed parameters {
  simplex[K] prop_soft = softmax(sum_to_zero(prop));
  prop_soft ~ dirichlet(alpha);
  target += log_determinant(diag_matrix(prop_soft) - prop_soft*prop_soft');

Afterall if I ignore the Jacobian the model “kind of” works (obviously with some divergencies)

	vector sum_to_zero(vector v){
		int K = rows(v)+1;
		vector[K] v_0;
		v_0[1:(K-1)] = v;
		v_0[K] = -sum(v_0[1:(K-1)]);
transformed data{
  int K = 4;
  vector[K] alpha = [1,2,3,4]';
parameters{  vector[K-1] prop; }
transformed parameters {  simplex[K] prop_soft = softmax(sum_to_zero(prop));  }
model{    prop_soft ~ dirichlet(alpha);    }

P.S. One of the goals of using uncontrained + jacobian implementation is to allow this model

transformed data{    vector[4] alpha = [1,2,3,4]';     }
parameters{	         simplex[4] prop;                  }
model{               prop ~ dirichlet(alpha);          }

To be more amenable to variational bayes, with the prop parameter being more symetric/normal-like

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Something is definitely wrong in the first implementation – it looks like the adaptation is failing. It could be numerical problems. You’ll have to follow up with careful investigation of the diagnostics and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo statistics.

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@andrjohns actually it’s strange that

First implementation you proposed was looking like this

jacobian[i,j] = prop[n,i] * (ident[i,j] - prop[n,j]);

Second, the ident matrix disappeared

diag_matrix(prop_soft) - prop_soft*prop_soft'

is possible that a typo happened?

No, they’re mathematically identical. The second form is just a more concise expression.

Consider the 2-element case as an example:

diag(s) - ss^T

Expands to:

\begin{bmatrix}s_1 & 0 \\0 & s_2 \end{bmatrix} - \begin{bmatrix}s_1^2 & s_1s_2 \\s_2s_1 & s_2^2 \end{bmatrix}
\begin{bmatrix}s_1 -s_1^2 & -s_1s_2 \\-s_2s_1 & s_2 - s_2^2 \end{bmatrix}

Which is the same as:

\begin{bmatrix}s_1 (1-s_1) & s_1(0-s_2) \\s_2(0-s_1) & s_2(1 - s_2) \end{bmatrix}

Which is what the loop with an identity matrix was expressing


With limited knowledge in Jocabians it comes hard to even “poke” the statement to see what part can cause such abrupt failure.

afterall it’s just one line of code :)

Could you please point me to a reference where the above is described? I will try to investigate a bit better and maybe try stackexchange

Sure, there are two references I used for this:

Thanks a lot,

this model “works” (with some divergencies caused by extreme correlation of parameters that I will try to solve with)

there was apossible mistake in this prop_soft*prop_soft' instead of prop_soft'*prop_soft

	vector sum_to_zero(vector v){
		int K = rows(v)+1;
		vector[K] v_0;
		v_0[1:(K-1)] = v;
		v_0[K] = -sum(v_0[1:(K-1)]);
transformed data{
  int K = 4;
  vector[K] alpha = [1,2,3,4]';
  matrix[K,K] ident = diag_matrix(rep_vector(1,K));
parameters{  vector[K-1] prop; }
transformed parameters {
  simplex[K] prop_soft = softmax(sum_to_zero(prop));
  prop_soft ~ dirichlet(alpha);
  //target += log_determinant(diag_matrix(prop_soft) - prop_soft'*prop_soft);

there was apossible mistake in this prop_soft*prop_soft' instead of prop_soft'*prop_soft

Unfortunately that’s not the case. prop_soft*prop_soft' gives a K x K matrix, whereas prop_soft'*prop_soft gives a 1 x 1 matrix:

The notation in the link above used s^Ts because they were treating the softmax as returning a row-vector

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OK what is puzzling me that if I use this model with no jacobian, and with QR approach to N-1 degrees of freedom vector (Test: Soft vs Hard sum-to-zero constrain + choosing the right prior for soft constrain).

vector Q_sum_to_zero_QR(int N) {
    vector [2*N] Q_r;

    for(i in 1:N) {
      Q_r[i] = -sqrt((N-i)/(N-i+1.0));
      Q_r[i+N] = inv_sqrt((N-i) * (N-i+1));
    return Q_r;

  vector sum_to_zero_QR(vector x_raw, vector Q_r) {
    int N = num_elements(x_raw) + 1;
    vector [N] x;
    real x_aux = 0;

    for(i in 1:N-1){
      x[i] = x_aux + x_raw[i] * Q_r[i];
      x_aux = x_aux + x_raw[i] * Q_r[i+N];
    x[N] = x_aux;
    return x;
transformed data{
  int K = 4;
  vector[K] alpha = [1,2,3,4]';
  matrix[K,K] ident = diag_matrix(rep_vector(1,K));
  vector[2*K] Q_r = Q_sum_to_zero_QR(K);
  real x_raw_sigma = inv_sqrt(1 - inv(K));
parameters{  vector[K-1] prop; }
transformed parameters {
  simplex[K] prop_soft = softmax(sum_to_zero_QR(prop, Q_r));
  prop_soft ~ dirichlet(alpha);
  prop ~ normal(0, x_raw_sigma);

fit2 = stan(model_code=stancode, cores=4, iter = 10000, warmup = 1000)

I get same marginal posterior of the simplex compared to the the source model

transformed data{    vector[4] alpha = [1,2,3,4]';     }
parameters{	         simplex[4] prop;                  }
model{               prop ~ dirichlet(alpha);  
fit= stan(model_code = stancode, cores=4, iter = 10000, warmup = 1000)

tidybayes::spread_draws(fit2, prop_soft[N]) %>% 
    select(N,prop_soft) %>% 
    arrange(N,prop_soft) %>%
    mutate(i = 1:n()) %>% 
        tidybayes::spread_draws(fit, prop[N]) %>% 
            select(N,prop) %>%
            arrange(N,prop) %>%
            mutate(i = 1:n()) 
    ) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(prop, prop_soft)) + 
    geom_point() + 
    facet_wrap(~N) + 


pairs softmax - no jacobian


pairs source model


Then, when I add the simple jacobian everything goes crazy.

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Actually I can see a bit of curvature compared to the comparison of two sampling of the source simplex model.


However the curvature seems rather small.

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Just a small study for highlighting the consequences of the absence of Jacobian correction. Summary: I notice that for the model stated above, where it really makes the difference is for K = 2. But maybe I am not getting some important nuances of the Jacobian correction.

For K = 2 (x-axis is the simplex from a native non transformed model)


For K = 3 (x-axis is the simplex from a native non transformed model)


For K = 4 (x-axis is the simplex from a native non transformed model)


However for K=3 we can see curvature if alpha = [1,1,1].


Anyway this was just a personal experiment that might be intersting for some.