//these user-defined functions are slight adaptations of the code described
//in Annis, Miller, & Palmeri (2017)
real lba_pdf(real t, real b, real A, real v, real s){
//PDF of the LBA model
real b_A_tv_ts;
real b_tv_ts;
real term_1;
real term_2;
real term_3;
real term_4;
real pdf;
b_A_tv_ts = (b - A - t*v)/(t*s);
b_tv_ts = (b - t*v)/(t*s);
term_1 = v*Phi(b_A_tv_ts); //am testing alternative versions using Phi_approx here and everywhere else in place of Phi instead
term_2 = s*exp(normal_lpdf(b_A_tv_ts | 0,1));
term_3 = v*Phi(b_tv_ts);
term_4 = s*exp(normal_lpdf(b_tv_ts | 0,1));
pdf = (1/A)*(-term_1 + term_2 + term_3 - term_4);
return pdf;
real lba_cdf(real t, real b, real A, real v, real s){
//CDF of the LBA model
real b_A_tv;
real b_tv;
real ts;
real term_1;
real term_2;
real term_3;
real term_4;
real cdf;
b_A_tv = b - A - t*v;
b_tv = b - t*v;
ts = t*s;
term_1 = b_A_tv/A * Phi(b_A_tv/ts);
term_2 = b_tv/A * Phi(b_tv/ts);
term_3 = ts/A * exp(normal_lpdf(b_A_tv/ts | 0,1));
term_4 = ts/A * exp(normal_lpdf(b_tv/ts | 0,1));
cdf = 1 + term_1 - term_2 + term_3 - term_4;
return cdf;
real lba_log(real response_time, int response, real k, real A, vector v, real s, real tau){
real t;
real b;
real cdf;
real pdf;
real prob;
real out;
real prob_neg;
b = A + k;
// for (i in 1:rows(RT)){
t = response_time - tau;
if(t > 0){
cdf = 1;
for(j in 1:num_elements(v)){
if(response == j){
pdf = lba_pdf(t, b, A, v[j], s);
cdf = (1-lba_cdf(t, b, A, v[j], s)) * cdf;
prob_neg = 1;
for(j in 1:num_elements(v)){
prob_neg = Phi(-v[j]/s) * prob_neg;
prob = pdf*cdf;
prob = prob/(1-prob_neg);
if(prob < 1e-10){
prob = 1e-10;
prob = 1e-10;
out = log(prob);
//print("lba lprob:",out)
return out;
vector lba_rng(real k, real A, vector v, real s, real tau){
int get_pos_drift;
int no_pos_drift;
int get_first_pos;
vector[num_elements(v)] drift;
int max_iter;
int iter;
real start[num_elements(v)];
real ttf[num_elements(v)];
int resp[num_elements(v)];
real rt;
vector[2] pred;
real b;
//try to get a positive drift rate
get_pos_drift = 1;
no_pos_drift = 0;
max_iter = 1000;
iter = 0;
for(j in 1:num_elements(v)){
drift[j] = normal_rng(v[j],s);
if(drift[j] > 0){
get_pos_drift = 0;
iter = iter + 1;
if(iter > max_iter){
get_pos_drift = 0;
no_pos_drift = 1;
//if both drift rates are <= 0
//return an infinite response time
pred[1] = -1;
pred[2] = -1;
b = A + k;
for(i in 1:num_elements(v)){
//start time of each accumulator
start[i] = uniform_rng(0,A);
//finish times
ttf[i] = (b-start[i])/drift[i];
//rt is the fastest accumulator finish time
//if one is negative get the positive drift
resp = sort_indices_asc(ttf);
ttf = sort_asc(ttf);
get_first_pos = 1;
iter = 1;
if(ttf[iter] > 0){
pred[1] = ttf[iter] + tau;
pred[2] = resp[iter];
get_first_pos = 0;
iter = iter + 1;
return pred;
int<lower=2> NUM_CHOICES;
real<lower=0> A;
int<lower=1> NUM_SUBJECTS;
int<lower=1> NUM_TRIALS;
int<lower=1> NUM_RUNS;
//int<lower=1> trial_subjid[NUM_TRIALS];
int<lower=1> run_subjid[NUM_RUNS];
int<lower=1> trial_runid[NUM_TRIALS];
//matrix[NUM_TRIALS,2] RT;
vector[NUM_TRIALS] response_time;
int response[NUM_TRIALS];
int required_choice[NUM_TRIALS];//the choice which would be reinforced on each round.
int cue[NUM_TRIALS];
transformed data{
real<lower=0> lba_sd = 1;
int PARID_alpha = 1;
int PARID_lba_k = 2;
int PARID_lba_tau = 3;
//from stan manual:
//Before generating any samples, data variables are read in,
//then the transformed data variables are declared and the associated statements executed to define them.
//This means the statements in the transformed data block are only ever evaluated once.
matrix[NUM_TRIALS,NUM_CHOICES] choice_outcomes;
for (i in 1:NUM_TRIALS){
//if the required choice was chosen then assign the value of 1 to it and distribute the value of -1 across all alternatives.
//or if the required choice was not chosen, assign the value of -1 to it and distribute the value of 1 across all alternatives.
for (j in 1:NUM_CHOICES){
print("matrix of choice outcomes generated from required_choice and response input data:")
parameters {
real subj_mu[3];
real<lower=0> subj_sigma[3];
real run_mu[NUM_SUBJECTS,3];
real<lower=0> run_sigma[NUM_SUBJECTS,3];
real alpha_pr[NUM_RUNS];
real k_pr[NUM_RUNS];
real tau_pr[NUM_RUNS];
transformed parameters {
real <lower=0,upper=1> alpha[NUM_RUNS];
real<lower=0> k[NUM_RUNS];
real<lower=0> tau[NUM_RUNS];
alpha = inv_logit(alpha_pr);
k = exp(k_pr);
tau = exp(tau_pr);
model {
real exp_val[NUM_RUNS,max(cue),NUM_CHOICES];
real pred_err;
real outcome;
vector[NUM_CHOICES] v;
//int curRunId=0;//just for printout diagnostic
exp_val = rep_array(0,NUM_RUNS,max(cue),NUM_CHOICES);
//priors for mean of subject params
subj_mu[PARID_alpha] ~ normal(-3,3);
subj_mu[PARID_lba_k] ~ normal(log(.5),1);
subj_mu[PARID_lba_tau] ~ normal(log(.5),0.5);
//priors for deviation of subject params from their mean.
subj_sigma[PARID_alpha] ~ cauchy(0,5);
//these have lower prior SDs because our priors for them originally, from Palmeri et al., were lower.
subj_sigma[PARID_lba_k] ~ cauchy(0,3);
subj_sigma[PARID_lba_tau] ~ cauchy(0,2);
for (s in 1:NUM_SUBJECTS){
run_mu[s,] ~ normal(subj_mu,subj_sigma);//I think we can do this vectorized here.
//we do NOT assume same run-level variance across subjects but we do assume a constant prior for these.
//this simplifies the calculation although with sigma unconstrained across subjects it may make the estimation actually harder.
//these might be too narrow, but I'm wary of having so much variance at every level!
run_sigma[s,PARID_alpha] ~ cauchy(0,4);
run_sigma[s,PARID_lba_k] ~ cauchy(0,2);
run_sigma[s,PARID_lba_tau] ~ cauchy(0,1);
for (r in 1:NUM_RUNS){
alpha_pr[r] ~ normal(run_mu[run_subjid[r],PARID_alpha],run_sigma[run_subjid[r],PARID_alpha]);//weak prior for no learning.
k_pr[r] ~ normal(run_mu[run_subjid[r],PARID_lba_k],run_sigma[run_subjid[r],PARID_lba_k]);
tau_pr[r] ~ normal(run_mu[run_subjid[r],PARID_lba_tau],run_sigma[run_subjid[r],PARID_lba_tau]);
for (t in 1:NUM_TRIALS){//loop through timesteps.
for(j in 1:NUM_CHOICES){
//our LBA model relies on getting values for *each choice* so we do need to model that.
//if j was the reinforced choice and it was the response value,
exp_val[trial_runid[t],cue[t],j] = exp_val[trial_runid[t],cue[t],j] + alpha[trial_runid[t]]*pred_err;
//for occam's razor, I'm going to avoid any transformation from expected value to drift rate. we'll treat expected value as drift rate exactly!
//print("t=",t,"; ",exp_val[NUM_RUNS,cue[t],]);
response_time[t] ~ lba(response[t],k[trial_runid[t]],A,v,lba_sd,tau[trial_runid[t]]);