Identification issue in Heckman model with correlated individual-specific intercepts

Hi, I’m running Heckman selection models inspired by the awesome work of @rtrangucci and @RachaelMeager.

I’m modeling four decisions wiht two Heckman models (one binary selection decision, and one continous amount decision; in each Heckman model respectively). I started running the two Heckman models with separate files and everything converged well. Now I created one joint Stan file with the two Heckman models to be able to correlate the individual-specific intercepts of all four equations. I now have an identification issue with two parameters, while I achieve good convergence for other parameters.

One interesting thing I note is that the traceplot of…

  1. rho1, that is, the correlation between the selection and amount equation of the first Heckman model, and
  2. alpha0[1], that is, the average intercept of the selection equation of the first Heckman model
    …behave similarly, but mirror-inverted.

Here are the traceplots:

Putting rho1 and alpha0[1] next to each other and mirror-inverting rho1:

And some more traceplots that mostly look okay (I hope):
b1.pdf (101.0 KB)
b2.pdf (100.8 KB)
b3.pdf (70.7 KB)
b4.pdf (71.0 KB)
rho2.pdf (16.6 KB)

And here is the model:

data {
  int<lower = 1> N_1; // Overall number of obvservations in the first Heckman
  int<lower = 1> N_2; // Overall number of obvservations in the second Heckman
  int<lower = 1> N_neg1; // Number of observations in the first Heckman model that are censored 
  int<lower = 1> N_pos1; // Number of observations in the first Heckman model that are non-censored
  int<lower = 1> N_neg2; // Number of observations in the second Heckman model that are censored
  int<lower = 1> N_pos2; // Number of observations in the second Heckman model that are non-censored
  int<lower = 1> K1_1; // number of covariates in selection and amount stage, respectively
  int<lower = 1> K1_2; // number of covariates in selection and amount stage, respectively
  int<lower = 1> K2; // number of weekday dummies
  int<lower = 1> H; // number of individuals
  int<lower = 1> J; // number of outcomes
  int<lower = 1> id_1[N_1]; // identifier of individuals in the first Heckman
  int<lower = 1> id_2[N_2]; // identifier of individuals in the second Heckman
  vector[N_pos1] y1; // amount in the first Heckman
  int<lower = 0, upper = 1> y2[N_1]; // selection indicator in the first Heckman model
  vector[N_pos2] y3; // amount in the second Heckman
  int<lower = 0, upper = 1> y4[N_2]; // selection indicator in the second Heckman model
  matrix[N_pos1, K1_1] X1_1;
  matrix[N_1, K1_1] X2_1; 
  matrix[N_pos2, K1_2] X1_2;
  matrix[N_2, K1_2] X2_2;
  matrix[N_pos1, K2] WD1_1; 
  matrix[N_1, K2] WD2_1;
  matrix[N_pos2, K2] WD1_2; 
  matrix[N_2, K2] WD2_2;


transformed data {
  int<lower=1,upper=N_1> n_pos1[N_pos1];
  int<lower=0,upper=N_1> n_neg1[N_neg1];
  int<lower=1,upper=N_2> n_pos2[N_pos2];
  int<lower=0,upper=N_2> n_neg2[N_neg2];
    int i;
    int j;
    int k;
    int l;
    i = 1;
    j = 1;
    k = 1;
    l = 1;
    for (n in 1:N_1) {
      if (y2[n] == 1) {
        n_pos1[i] = n;
        i = i + 1;
    } if (y2[n] == 0) {
        n_neg1[j] = n;
        j = j + 1;
    for (n in 1:N_2) {
      if (y4[n] == 1) {
        n_pos2[k] = n;
        k = k + 1;
    } if (y4[n] == 0) {
        n_neg2[l] = n;
        l = l + 1;

parameters {
  real<lower=-1, upper=1> rho1; // correlation in the first Heckman model
  real<lower=-1, upper=1> rho2; // correlation in the second Heckman model
  vector[K1_1] b1;
  vector[K1_1] b2;
  vector[K1_2] b3;
  vector[K1_2] b4;
  vector[J] alpha0;
  vector[J] alpha_raw[H];
  cholesky_factor_corr[J] L_Omega_alpha;
  vector<lower=0>[J] sigma_alpha;
  real<lower=0> sd1;
  real<lower=0> sd2;

transformed parameters {
  vector[J] alpha[H];
  for (i in 1:H){
    alpha[i] = alpha0 + diag_pre_multiply(sigma_alpha, L_Omega_alpha) * alpha_raw[i];

model {
  vector[N_1] mu_y2;
  vector[N_pos1] mu_y1;
  vector[N_2] mu_y4;
  vector[N_pos2] mu_y3;
  b1 ~ normal(0, 1);
  b2 ~ normal(0, 1);
  b3 ~ normal(0, 1);
  b4 ~ normal(0, 1);
  sd1 ~ normal(0, 1);
  sd2 ~ normal(0, 1);

  alpha0 ~ cauchy(0, 1);
  L_Omega_alpha ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(1);
  for(i in 1:H){
    alpha_raw[i] ~ std_normal();

  mu_y2 = X2_1 * b2;
  mu_y1 = X1_1 * b1;
  mu_y4 = X2_2 * b4;
  mu_y3 = X1_2 * b3;

  // Here starts the first Heckman model
  for (n in 1:N_neg1) {
    target += (log(Phi(-mu_y2[n_neg1[n]] - alpha[id_1[n_neg1[n]], 2])));
  for (n in 1:N_pos1) {
    target += log(Phi(sqrt(1 - rho1^2)^(-1)*(mu_y2[n_pos1[n]] + alpha[id_1[n_pos1[n]], 2]+
                                (rho1 / sd1)
                               * (y1[n] - mu_y1[n] - alpha[id_1[n_pos1[n]], 1])))); 
  y1[n] ~ normal(mu_y1[n]+ alpha[id_1[n_pos1[n]], 1], sd1);
  // Here starts the second Heckman model
  // if(y2[t] == 1){
    for (n in 1:N_neg2) {
    target += (log(Phi(-mu_y4[n_neg2[n]] - alpha[id_2[n_neg2[n]], 4])));
  for (n in 1:N_pos2) {
    target += log(Phi(sqrt(1 - rho2^2)^(-1)*(mu_y4[n_pos2[n]] + alpha[id_2[n_pos2[n]], 4]+
                                (rho2 / sd2)
                               * (y3[n] - mu_y3[n] - alpha[id_2[n_pos2[n]], 3])))); 
  y3[n] ~ normal(mu_y3[n]+ alpha[id_2[n_pos2[n]], 3], sd2);
  //  }

Any ideas what’s going on?

I already applied the non-centered parameterization on the correlated individual-specific intercepts, which at least improved convergence a bit.

I highly appreciate any comments!

Did you just literally combine two models? Or did you combine parameters so that they show up in both models? With the former, there shouldn’t be a problem. With the latter, it will be depend on the geometry introduced in the posterior by the combination. If the data’s compatible with both models and a single set of parameters, this should also sample OK.

The model you present is too complicated for me to understand just by inspection.

I’d recommend moving the definition of alpha to be a local variable in the model so you don’t have to save it all in the output.

It looks like the parameters that are mirroring each other are intercept and correlation terms? What I’d recommend doing at this point is generating a much simpler model to see if you can simulate/understand what’s gong on. Have you standardized predictors? If you wind up with all positive (or all negative) predictors in a regression, the slope and intercept wind up being highly correlated.

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