How to use the Tests in MatlabStan?

I am not familiar in using MatlabStan. I found the “Tests” folder under the MatlabStan directory. I have no idea of their aims. How could I use the scripts in it? Like TestBasicArray.m? Must I run these files before I use MatlabStan? If yes, how to use them? I had tried to run them directly. Then I got errors:

“Error using TestBasicArray
The specified superclass ‘TestCase’ contains a parse error, cannot be found on MATLAB’s search path, or is shadowed by another file with the same name.”

Could anyone give me some help about it? That will be very appreciate.

I don’t see any file named TestBasicArray.m here in the MatlabProcessManager. Is that what you’re referring to?

The TestBasicArray file is not in the MatlabProcessManager. It is in the MatlabStan, subfolder"Tests". (Thank you to show me how to use double asterisk!)

It works when I changed the working directory to the test folder and ran runxunit.

What do you mean by “runxunit”? There is no such function or varaiable in the Tests folder.

After installing the xUnit for Matlab, I ran runxunit in the Tests folder. It gets:

"Test suite: D:\zw\matlab\MatlabStan\MatlabStan-\Tests
05-Mar-2019 10:32:33

Starting test run with 32 test cases.

It seems ran correctly, even without any outputs. Is that OK? Do I have any way to check the test results?
Thank you.

Generally, I suppose you could replicate an existing test. Or include your own assert*'s in the appropriate .m files. What are you aiming for?

My aim is to learn and realise MCMC method. Before that, I just check how to make these Tests run to ensure the installation of MatlabStan. I think if the Tests work out, the installation is completed. Besides, do you have some tutorials or manuals for MatlabStan abecedarian?

The project homepage for Stan hosts interface specific information