How to use devtools::load_all() in developing rstantools packages

Sorry in advance, there is probably relevant bit of documentation for this, but I have not been able to find the conclusive answer. Perhaps someone who had the same experience or can point me to the relevant guidelines.

I am updating my meta-analysis with Stan package baggr (GitHub - wwiecek/baggr: R package for Bayesian meta-analysis models, using Stan) and for the first time in a couple of years I am actually recoding models. So that means I spend a lot of time re-compliling the models within the project and then sampling(). My workflow is essentially to do

devtools::load_all(quiet = TRUE) 

every time I update .stan files, then run unit tests. (I always use quiet arg to avoid all of the meaningless compiler warnings.)

Re-compliation works very well but I am noticing that when trying to run these models in my environment, within each chain sampling is 10-20 times slower than calling the same functions in the installed version of the package. Chains that should take a couple of seconds can take a minute. I assume this is because load_all() does not use src/Makevars and therefore doesn’t optimise code?

Is the advice to compile code with extra flags? If so, what is the cleanest way to do it? Is there another explanation?

I am working on Windows 11 (ouch), using a new clean installation, with latest packages and R versions. It’s a “clean” rstantools.

devtools is probably creating a debug build, which leads to slower run times. See this github issue.

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Thanks so much, Ed! Indeed, that’s what it was. I think I used to know this, but then forgot that there is this flag.

For anyone with the same problem, if you just need to change it temporarily, you can simply do

Sys.setenv(PKG_BUILD_EXTRA_FLAGS = “false”)