How would we go about scaling your priors by the number of predictors in logistic regression? In a linear regression, @andrewgelman, Hill, and @avehtari (2020: 208) suggest scaling your predictors and then giving each of them a prior SD equal to
where R^2_* is your best guess at maximum R^2 achievable with these predictors, p is the number of predictors. They also say to give \sigma an exponential prior with mean \sqrt{1-R^2_*}\times \text{sd}(y).
But what formulas would I use in (multilevel) logistic regression with a Bernoulli outcome? I don’t know what to plug in for sd(y) when there’s a link function in between. Supposedly the standard logistic distribution has a variance of \pi^2/3, but somehow I doubt if that’s the right quantity.
I’m also unsure which pseudo-R^2 metric to base the speculative maximum on, given that many different alternatives exist (McFadden, Cox&Snell, Nagelkerke, Nagakawa&Schielzeth…). To be honest, I’d rather base the educated guess on something like the ROC AUC, given that I have a better sense of what kind of values to expect (0.90 or so).
Gelman, Andrew, Jennifer Hill, and Aki Vehtari. 2021. Regression and Other Stories. Cambridge New York, NY Port Melbourne, VIC New Delhi Singapore: Cambridge University Press.