How to explain the result of MrsP model

I fit a Bayesian Multilevel Regression and Poststratification (MrsP) using the data from Chinese General Social Survey. The results are as follows,

	Mean	SD	2.50%	97.50%	n_eff	Rhat
α	-2.071 	1.527 	-5.067 	0.923 	1546 	1.001 
ψ	0.334 	0.177 	-0.024 	0.668 	1394 	1.000 
η	-0.135 	0.079 	-0.296 	0.020 	1690 	0.999 
σ_β	0.096 	0.069 	0.004 	0.257 	1021 	1.006 
σ_γ	0.519 	0.333 	0.181 	1.438 	1043 	1.001 
σ_δ	0.020 	0.031 	0.000 	0.113 	552 	1.005 
σ_ϵ	0.018 	0.029 	0.000 	0.112 	854 	1.006 
σ_ζ	0.305 	0.354 	0.011 	1.202 	1349 	1.001 
β[1]	0.048 	0.111 	-0.131 	0.332 	2584 	1.002 
β[2]	0.022 	0.118 	-0.208 	0.308 	1731 	1.002 
β[3]	0.023 	0.110 	-0.185 	0.294 	3278 	1.000 
β[4]	-0.020 	0.103 	-0.267 	0.179 	2865 	1.001 
β[5]	-0.027 	0.102 	-0.264 	0.159 	3568 	1.000 
β[6]	-0.046 	0.113 	-0.337 	0.135 	2185 	1.002 
β[7]	-0.010 	0.094 	-0.222 	0.186 	2968 	1.000 
β[8]	-0.042 	0.098 	-0.287 	0.125 	2499 	1.001 
β[9]	0.012 	0.091 	-0.164 	0.216 	3911 	1.000 
β[10]	0.000 	0.097 	-0.218 	0.203 	3345 	1.000 
β[11]	0.021 	0.086 	-0.144 	0.224 	2899 	1.001 
β[12]	0.007 	0.093 	-0.193 	0.212 	3108 	1.000 
β[13]	0.009 	0.116 	-0.221 	0.283 	3310 	1.001 
β[14]	0.005 	0.102 	-0.216 	0.238 	2989 	1.000 
β[15]	-0.014 	0.092 	-0.224 	0.172 	2865 	1.001 
β[16]	-0.037 	0.102 	-0.291 	0.139 	2774 	1.001 
β[17]	-0.012 	0.096 	-0.233 	0.188 	3346 	1.000 
β[18]	-0.040 	0.101 	-0.288 	0.128 	2128 	1.003 
β[19]	0.097 	0.128 	-0.065 	0.416 	1267 	1.006 
γ[1]	-0.508 	0.337 	-1.249 	0.044 	1408 	1.000 
γ[2]	-0.030 	0.333 	-0.759 	0.533 	1484 	1.000 
γ[3]	0.142 	0.331 	-0.558 	0.717 	1495 	1.000 
γ[4]	0.190 	0.330 	-0.529 	0.771 	1421 	1.000 
δ[1]	0.005 	0.020 	-0.025 	0.068 	1201 	1.002 
δ[2]	-0.005 	0.020 	-0.068 	0.025 	1198 	1.002 
ϵ[1]	-0.002 	0.017 	-0.044 	0.031 	2388 	0.999 
ϵ[2]	0.002 	0.017 	-0.032 	0.044 	2392 	1.000 
ζ[1]	-0.157 	0.310 	-0.817 	0.217 	1426 	1.001 
ζ[2]	-0.046 	0.296 	-0.626 	0.348 	1576 	1.001 
ζ[3]	0.066 	0.296 	-0.501 	0.522 	1559 	1.001 

As are shown in the table. The 95% credible intervals of estimated parameters always cover zero. Are they not statistically significant? Is my model nonsense?
Thank you in advance.

Bayesian model reporting typically avoids the language of statistical significance, but it’s possible to make statements that are approximately analogous for practical purposes. Here, we can say that a 95% interval that overlaps zero means that your model and these data collectively lead to less than 97.5% certainty about the sign of the true parameter value.

Unfortunately, this is not something that we can infer from the output you’ve shown. Answering this question generally requires:

  • knowledge of what the model is
  • domain knowledge about the data and process under study, and whether the model (including both its structure and its prior specification) is reasonable
  • usually some form of post-hoc model assessment and criticism, such as posterior predictive checking, to ensure that the model structure still looks reasonable in light of the data
  • often some careful checking to ensure that the model and poststratification implementation are bug-free (i.e. that they actually correspond to the model you intend to estimate)

thanks for your reply.