MrP applied in the context of a prevalence study in hospitals. How to account for the lack of denominator in the poststratification data?

Hello everyone,

I’m working on a project where I want to use Multilevel Regression with Poststratification (MrP) to generalize healthcare-associated infection (HAI) prevalence estimates from a non-representative sample of hospitals to the entire country. In my sample, I have the number of HAI cases and the total number of patients in the hospital on the day of the survey. I also have some hospital-level characteristics, such as the total number of beds in the hospital and annual discharges.

However, in my census data for all hospitals in the country, I don’t have the denominator (the total number of patients on the day of the survey) for each hospital. One idea I had was to first estimate the denominator of patients and then the risk given the denominator, but I’m unsure how to propagate uncertainty in this case. Should I rerun the risk model on each posterior sample of the denominator model?

I would appreciate any suggestions or guidance on how to handle this issue in the context of MrP. How can I account for the lack of denominator in the poststratification data, and how do I propagate uncertainty when estimating the denominator and risk?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Is this just a missing data problem where all data for denominator are missing? It looks like you could estimate denominator from one model and then use those parameters as the denominator in the risk model? In that case, maybe it could be done in brms with imputation during model fit. Handle Missing Values with brms

Once I wrote a joint logistic regression model in Stan where one part was a hierarchical model where I obtained partially pooled estimates of a group-level variable for one outcome, and then I used those estimates as ‘data’ for a predictor in another model of a different outcome. Thus the uncertainty was propagated through from estimates in model 1 to model 2. Not sure if that gives you any ideas.

Yes, it could indeed be seen as a missing data problem!

To clarify my problem: the sample data come from a point prevalence study in which, on a given day, the number of patients affected by a certain disease is evaluated over the total number of patients included in the study. The number of included patients depends itself on how many hospital units were included in the study and the bed occupancy in those units on the day of the study.

If I want to estimate (posterior predict) the prevalence at the national level, I need to know how many patients are hospitalized, which is a function of the number of beds (assuming a constant bed occupancy rate throughout the year, a simplification). I also suspect that I could aggregate the predicted prevalences for each hospital in the census into a national prevalence without needing each hospital denominator, but I’m unsure how to combine the estimates from different hospitals.

Regarding your two-stage model, I’m curious about how you used the posteriors from one model in the next. Did you create two separate models, predict the expected value for the outcome of the first model, and then used it in the second for predictions? My concern with this approach is the number of draws. Did you use d_1 x d_2 draws (which could be cumbersome) or d_1 x 1, where you only generate one draw for model 2 for each draw in model 1?

Thank you!

I guess I would have to see the model to know if I could offer any other suggestions. If you have a model for the number of hospitalized patients but you don’t know the number for every hospital, then it seems you could use the missing data approach and use brms. I’m thinking something like (very simplified):

bf(patient_pop | mi() ~ 1 + mi(number_beds) + (1|p|hospital)) + poisson()
bf(number_beds | mi() ~ 1 + (1|p|hospital)) + poisson()
bf(hai ~ 1 + log(mi(patient_pop)) + x + (1|p|hospital)) + poisson()

if you have some information on beds and patient population for some but not all hospitals, but I may not be understanding what you are trying to get at.

Regarding the joint model, the likelihood part looked like this:

for (n in 1:N) {
      target += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(Y[n] | a + r_1_1[J_1[n]] + r_2_1[J_2[n]]);  // model 1
    for (n_2 in 1:N_2) {
      target += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(y_c[n_2] | a_b + (inv_logit(a + r_1_1[K_1[n_2]] + r_2_1[K_2[n_2]]))*b);  // model 2

where Y and y_c were different binary outcomes, J_1 and J_2 were id’s for nested varying intercepts, and K_1 and K_2 corresponding id’s for model 2. Notice that the estimated probability for each level from model 1, the (inv_logit(a + r_1_1[K_1[n_2]] + r_2_1[K_2[n_2]])) part, became the data (so to speak) as a predictor in model 2 (the parameter b is the coefficient for the effect of (inv_logit(a + r_1_1[K_1[n_2]] + r_2_1[K_2[n_2]])) on the outcome y_c.
I hope I got that all right…it was a while ago that I wrote that. It’s not like the case you are asking about, but I just thought I would mention it as an idea that you can use parameters from one model in another model as predictors. The full data sim and code is below (note it could take a long time to run depending on how many groups of decent size you make in the sim). Let me know if you spot any errors, but I think it works.


N_1 <- 50 #number of sites
N_t <- 10 #number of timepoints per site
N_2 <- N_t*N_1 #total number of timepoint by site combinations
N_3 <- 30 #number of observations per timepoint within sites
N <- N_2*N_3 #number of observations in model 1

J_1 <- rep(1:N_1, each=(N/N_1)) #site id model 1
J_2 <- rep(1:N_t, each=((N/N_1)/N_t), times=N_1) #timepoint id (to use with brms if needed)
J_2s <- rep(1:N_2, each=N_3) #timepoint id for sim (this is an id for all site by timepoint combinations)

a <- rep(-2, times=N) #model 1 intercept
a_1 <- rnorm(N_1, 0, 1.5) #varying intercepts for site
a_2 <- rnorm(N_2, 0, 0.75) #varying intercepts for timepoint within site

p <- plogis(a + a_1[J_1] + a_2[J_2s]) #model 1
Y <- rbinom(N, 1, p=p) #model 1

K_1 <- rep(1:N_1, each=N_t) #site id model 2
K_2 <- 1:N_2

a_b <- rep(-3, times=N_2) #model 2 intercept
b <- rep(3, times=N_2) #model 2 effect of site-timepoint proportion on outcome
p_c <- plogis(a_b + (plogis(a[1:N_2] + a_1[K_1] + a_2[K_2]))*b) #model 2 
y_c <- rbinom(N_2, 1, p=p_c) #model 2

#stan data
d1 <- list(N = N, #total number of observations in the model 1 data
           Y = Y, #binary response for model 1
           N_1 = N_1, #number of sites
           J_1 = J_1, #site id for model 1
           N_2 = N_2, #number of site by timepoint combinations for model 1 data
           J_2 = J_2s, #site by timepoint combination id for model 1 data
           y_c = y_c, #binary response for model 2
           K_1 = K_1, #site id for model 2
           K_2 = K_2 #site by timepoint combination id for model 2 data

#stan code
stan_code1 <- "
data {
  int<lower=1> N;  // total number of observations
  int Y[N];  // response variable for model 1
  // data for group-level effects of site 
  int<lower=1> N_1;  // number of grouping levels
  int<lower=1> J_1[N];  // grouping indicator per observation, site level id for model 1
  // data for group-level effects of site-timepoint combination
  int<lower=1> N_2;  // number of grouping levels NOTE THAT THIS IS THE SAME LENGTH AS MODEL 2 DATASET
  int<lower=1> J_2[N];  // grouping indicator per observation, site by timepoint combination id for model 1
  // model 2 data
  int y_c[N_2]; // model 2 outcome
  int<lower=1> K_1[N_2];  // grouping indicator per observation, site level id for model 2
  int<lower=1> K_2[N_2];  // grouping indicator per observation, site-timepoint id for model 2 (note, K_2 same length as N_2)
parameters {
  real a;  // intercept for model 1
  real<lower=0> sd_1;  // group-level standard deviations for site
  vector[N_1] z_1;  // standardized group-level effects for site, needed for non-centered parameterization
  real<lower=0> sd_2;  // group-level standard deviations for site-timepoint combination
  vector[N_2] z_2;  // standardized group-level effects for site-timepoint combination, needed for non-centered parameterization
  real a_b; // intercept for model 2
  real b; // effect of proportion of site-timepoint estimate of outcome from model 1 on model 2 outcome
transformed parameters {
  vector[N_1] r_1_1;  // actual group-level effects for site
  vector[N_2] r_2_1;  // actual group-level effects for site-timepoint combination
  r_1_1 = (sd_1 * z_1);  // non-centered parameterization, group-level effect site
  r_2_1 = (sd_2 * z_2);  // non-centered parameterization, group-level effect site-timepoint combination
model {
    for (n in 1:N) {
      target += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(Y[n] | a + r_1_1[J_1[n]] + r_2_1[J_2[n]]);  // model 1
    for (n_2 in 1:N_2) {
      target += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(y_c[n_2] | a_b + (inv_logit(a + r_1_1[K_1[n_2]] + r_2_1[K_2[n_2]]))*b);  // model 2
  // priors
  target += normal_lpdf(a | 0, 5);
  target += normal_lpdf(sd_1 | 0, 2.5)
    - 1 * normal_lccdf(0 | 0, 2.5);
  target += std_normal_lpdf(z_1);
  target += normal_lpdf(sd_2 | 0, 2.5)
    - 1 * normal_lccdf(0 | 0, 2.5);
  target += std_normal_lpdf(z_2);
  target += normal_lpdf(a_b | -5, 2.5);
  target += normal_lpdf(b | 0, 2.5);
generated quantities {
  vector[N] p_m1_pred;
  vector[N_2] p_m2_pred;
  real b_or;

    for (n in 1:N) {
      p_m1_pred[n] = bernoulli_logit_rng(a + r_1_1[J_1[n]] + r_2_1[J_2[n]]);  // model 1 posterior predictive distribution

    for (n_2 in 1:N_2) {
      p_m2_pred[n_2] = bernoulli_logit_rng(a_b + (inv_logit(a + r_1_1[K_1[n_2]] + r_2_1[K_2[n_2]]))*b);  // model 2 posterior predictive distribution

    b_or = exp(b);  // Odds ratio for b from model 2

#fit model
fit1 <- stan(model_code = stan_code1, data = d1,
             chains = 4, iter = 2000, warmup = 1000, 
             thin = 1, cores = 4)

print(fit1, pars=c("sd_1", "sd_2", "a", "a_b", "b", "b_or"))

#posterior predictive checks
yrep_m1 <- extract(fit1)$p_m1_pred
yrep_m2 <- extract(fit1)$p_m2_pred

ppc_dens_overlay(Y, yrep = yrep_m1[1:30, ])   #density plot for model 1
ppc_bars(Y, yrep = yrep_m1[1:30, ])   #bars plot for model 1

ppc_dens_overlay(y_c, yrep = yrep_m2[1:30, ])   #for model 2
ppc_bars(y_c, yrep = yrep_m2[1:30, ])   #bars plot for model 2
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Not knowledgeable in Stan, but very nice that you can use the expected linear value of model 1 into model 2 and update the likelihood jointly!

The part I’m interested in is the generated quantities block. From what I understand, it’s generating one prediction from model 2 for each prediction from model one, isn’t it? That answers my question.
I wonder if, from the theoretical point of view, d_1 \times d_2 is equivalent to d_1 \times draws. I guess it is.

Regarding your confusion about both missing and non-missing denominators in my design, I’ll try to explain myself better:

  • The model is fitted with a non-representative sample with all data.
  • I want to use the model to estimate the quantities of interest (e.g. posterior expected and predictive prevalence) or the whole set of hospitals in the countries not included in the sample, for which I do not know how many hospitalized patients they have. I just know some hospital-level predictors of prevalence and bed occupation, e.g. hospital size and discharges per year.
    So the approaches I need to follow are either predicting the prevalences for each hospital not included in the sample and aggregating them into a country-level estimate (how? simply the mean?) OR predicting the number of hospitalized patients per hospital (denominator), from it predicting the number of affected ones (numerator), then sum the denominators and numerators across hospitals and take the ratio.

I am not experienced with MRP to provide further help. I would think that with your multilevel model you could make predictions for the missing countries and hospitals and for the post-stratification part you could have another multilevel model that could predict your denominator and make predictions for missing values there, which could subsequently be used. I would think these parameters could be used in the generated quantities section.

Hopefully someone else will chime in. Your question is an interesting one.