Hilbert space approximate GP prior: QR decomposition of the basis functions

I read this https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/hilbert-space-approximate-gp-prior-why-use-de-meaned-basis-functions-phi/25852 older thread, thats why a new one about hilbert space GP approximation.

@avehtari mentioned:

Removing the intercept term removes just one correlating variable, but half of the basis functions are still correlating, and thus removing the intercept term is not a complete solution.

Thus I thought about why not QR-decompose the basis-functions as mentioned here: Stan User manual QR decompositon and come up with the following Stan program:

functions {
  // Spectral densities.
  vector diagSPD_EQ(real alpha, real rho, real L, int M) {
    vector[M] j = linspaced_vector(M, 1, M);
    vector[M] lambda = (j * pi() / (2*L))^2;
    vector[M] s = (alpha^2) * sqrt(2*pi()) * rho * exp(-0.5 * (rho^2) * lambda);
    return sqrt(s);
  // Basis functions [N x M]
  matrix PHI(int N, int M, real L, vector x, int QR_decomp) {
    vector[M] j = linspaced_vector(M, 1, M);
    vector[M] sqrt_lambda = j * pi() / (2 * L);
    matrix[N, M] x_L = rep_matrix(x + L, M);
    matrix[N, M] phi = sin(diag_post_multiply(x_L, sqrt_lambda)) / sqrt(L);
      return qr_thin_Q(phi) * sqrt(N - 1);
    return phi;
data {
  int<lower=1> N;      // number of observations
  vector[N] x;         // univariate covariate
  real<lower=0> c_f;   // boundary factor
  int<lower=1> M_f;    // number of basis functions
  real<lower=0> lengthscale_f; // lengthscale of f
  real<lower=0> sigma_f;       // scale of f
  int<lower = 0, upper = 1> QR_phi; // QR decompose basis functions?

transformed data {
  // Normalize data
  real xmean = mean(x);
  real xsd = sd(x);
  vector[N] xn = (x - xmean)/xsd;
  // Boundary value
  real L_f = c_f * max(xn);
  // Basis functions for f
  matrix[N,M_f] PHI_f = PHI(N, M_f, L_f, xn, QR_phi);
  // spectral densities
  vector[M_f] diagSPD_f = diagSPD_EQ(sigma_f, lengthscale_f, L_f, M_f);
generated quantities {
  vector[N]  f =  PHI_f * (diagSPD_f .* to_vector(normal_rng(0, rep_vector(1, M_f))));
fileq <- "gb_fit.stan"
# Compile model
modq <- cmdstan_model(stan_file = fileq)

# Input data
dat <- list(x = seq(0,1,length.out=100), 
            N = 100,
            c_f = 1.5, 
            M_f = 40,
            sigma_f = 1,
            lengthscale_f = 1, 
            QR_phi = 1 # bool for QR decomp. basis functions

# QR
s_QR <- modq$sample(data=dat, fixed_param=TRUE, chains=1,adapt_engaged=F,
                   iter_warmup = 0, iter_sampling=1000)

dat$QR_phi <- 0
s_PHI_f <- modq$sample(data=dat, fixed_param=TRUE, chains=1,adapt_engaged=F,
                    iter_warmup = 0, iter_sampling=1000)

# Plotting helper
f_q <- function(s, x=xn, id="x") {
  f <- s$draws('f')
  fmat <- matrix(0, nrow=dim(f)[1], ncol=dim(f)[3])
  for (i in 1:dim(f)[1]) fmat[i, ] <- as.numeric(f[i, 1, ])
  u <- apply(fmat, 2, quantile, prob=0.95)
  l <- apply(fmat, 2, quantile, prob=0.05)
  data.frame(x = x, u=u, l=l, phi=id)

# Plotting
xn <- as.numeric(scale(dat$x))
dq <- rbind(f_q(s_QR, id="QR PHI bf"), f_q(s_PHI_f, id="PHI bf"))
dq %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=x, ymin=l, ymax=u, lty=phi, col=phi, fill=phi)) + 
  geom_ribbon(lwd=0.8, alpha = 0.3) + 
  theme_classic() + 
  labs(title = "90% Coverage Interval", y = "f") + 
  theme(legend.text = element_text(size=12), 
        legend.position = 'top', 
        legend.title = element_blank()

The variances are on a different scaling, but the rest looks good:

This approach makes the basis function linearity independent and thus improves the sampling.
I am right with that? Or do I miss something?

@Marty, @Niko, @spinkney

The spectral densities diagSPD_f define the prior on the basis functions. If you rotate the basis functions, the prior producing the desired GP is not any more independent normals, and you should rotate that, too, but then you get prior dependency.

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