I am trying to program (in Rstan) a regression with time-varying intercept and constant slope. After the first time-step (data point) the intercept may undergo a random walk. Here are the files: file TestRW1.stan:
data {
real S[N];
real R[N];
transformed data{
real<lower=0>hlogamn;//mean of the normal prior on log alpha
real<lower=0>hlogasd;//std dev of the normal prior on log alpha
parameters {
real logalpha[N];
real walk[N]; //annual random walk error ~N(0, sigmaw).
real<lower=1000, upper=30000>beta; //population-specific slope (capacity) parameters
real<lower=0, upper=2.0>sigmaw; //standard error of the annual random walk
real<lower=0,upper = 2.0>sigma; //population-specific process error of the weight-length relationship.
model {
logalpha[1]~normal(hlogamn, hlogasd) T[-4.60, 2.89];
log(R[1]/S[1]) ~ normal(logalpha[1] - S[1]/beta, sigma);
for (i in 2:N) {
logalpha[i] = logalpha[i-1]+walk[i];
log(R[i]/S[i]) ~ normal(logalpha[i] - S[i]/beta, sigma);
file: TestRW1.R:
Skagit <- read.table(“TestRWdata1.txt”, header = TRUE)
R <-Skagit$Recruits
stanDat<- list(“S”,“R”, “N”)
fit<-stan(file = ‘TestRW1.stan’, data = stanDat, iter = 100, chains = 1)
When I run “fit…” I receive the following error message:
attempt to assign variable in wrong block. left-hand-side variable origin=parameter
error in ‘model15346f4f170c_TestRW1’ at line 25, column 25
23: for (i in 2:N) {
24: walk[i]~normal(0,sigmaw);
25: logalpha[i] = logalpha[i-1]+walk[i];
26: log(R[i]/S[i]) ~ normal(logalpha[i] - S[i]/beta, sigma);
Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, :
failed to parse Stan model ‘TestRW1’ due to the above error.
In addition: Warning message:
In readLines(file, warn = TRUE) :
incomplete final line found on 'C:\Stan\Stock_Recruit\Tests\TestRW1.stan’
Data set:
#Test spawner and recruit
#data for BYs 1 to 12
"Spawners" "Recruits"
7448 7107
7870 5038
3780 6073
4584 5529
5394 5154
6818 2429
7332 3702
6382 2494
6757 6174
4242 6093
4887 5814
2502 8627
The idea is pretty simple. After the initial time-step (where the intercept parameter ‘logalpha’ is drawn from a normal random distribution, the values of logalpha in each subsequent timestep is expected to be equal to logalpha(t-1) plus a normal random (‘walk’) that has a zero mean. So, it seems that after calculating the posterior (for log(R(t)/S(t)), logalpha needs to be updated for the next time-step by adding w(t) to logalpha(t-1). It would seem that this must be done in the model block. But the error indicates that this is illegal???
What is the correct way to program this? What am I failing to understand.