I am fitting a model to proportion data (working on neonatal mortality), and the proportions contain a lot of zeros, so I chose the zero-inflated beta.
Here is a density plot of my outcome variable:
The model is:
model <- brm(
bf(neonatal_mortality ~ x1 + ... + xp + (1 | county) + (1 | period)),
prior = set_prior('horseshoe(df = 1)', class = 'b'),
family = zero_inflated_beta(),
data = data,
seed = 7,
iter = 10000,
warmup = 2000,
thin = 4,
chains = 4,
cores = 4
I am using the horseshoe prior on the coefficients of the model, as the covariates are about 41 and observations 184, and I would like to run variable selection using projection predictive inference (projpred).
Here is the posterior predictive check of the full model:
The projpred function is as below:
varmod <- varsel(model,
nterms_max=200, # setting this to higher number as I would keep changing model size
validate_search = F,
method = 'forward',
refit_prj = T,
latent = T,
ndraws = 5000,
ndraws_pred = 5000,
verbose = T,
seed = 32)
The plots I obtain for running the projpred are shown below (I get a similar shape using mlmd, eld, gmpd):
plot(varmod, resp_oscale = F, stat = 'mlld')
However for the RMSE I get a more familiar plot:
plot(varmod, resp_oscale = T, stat = 'rmse')
What could this imply ?