Generating log_lik for Regime Switching Model help

I have stan code for Regime Switching Model from Jim Savage site. Here this site:
I have an issue in creating the log-likelihood in the generated quantities. I am not sure how to define the target syntax in the generated quantities block.
Here this code.

data {
    int T;
    vector[T] y;
parameters {
    vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[2] p;
    real<lower = 0> phi;
    vector[2] delta;
    vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
    real<lower = 0, upper = 1> xi1_init; 
    real y_tm1_init;
transformed parameters {
    matrix[T, 2] eta;
    matrix[T, 2] xi;
    vector[T] f;

// fill in etas
for(t in 1:T) {
    eta[t,1] = exp(normal_lpdf(y[t]| delta[1], sigma[1]));
if(t==1) {
    eta[t,2] = exp(normal_lpdf(y[t]| delta[2] + phi * y_tm1_init, sigma[2]));
} else {
    eta[t,2] = exp(normal_lpdf(y[t]| delta[2] + phi * y[t-1], sigma[2]));

// work out likelihood contributions

for(t in 1:T) {
// for the first observation
if(t==1) {
    f[t] = p[1]*xi1_init*eta[t,1] + // stay in state 1
            (1 - p[1])*xi1_init*eta[t,2] + // transition from 1 to 2
            p[2]*(1 - xi1_init)*eta[t,2] + // stay in state 2 
            (1 - p[2])*(1 - xi1_init)*eta[t,1]; // transition from 2 to 1

xi[t,1] = (p[1]*xi1_init*eta[t,1] +(1 - p[2])*(1 - xi1_init)*eta[t,1])/f[t];
xi[t,2] = 1.0 - xi[t,1];

} else {
// and for the rest

f[t] = p[1]*xi[t-1,1]*eta[t,1] + // stay in state 1
        (1 - p[1])*xi[t-1,1]*eta[t,2] + // transition from 1 to 2
        p[2]*xi[t-1,2]*eta[t,2] + // stay in state 2 
        (1 - p[2])*xi[t-1,2]*eta[t,1]; // transition from 2 to 1

// work out xi

xi[t,1] = (p[1]*xi[t-1,1]*eta[t,1] +(1 - p[2])*xi[t-1,2]*eta[t,1])/f[t];

// there are only two states so the probability of the other state is 1 - prob of the first
xi[t,2] = 1.0 - xi[t,1];

model {
// priors
p ~ beta(10, 2);
phi ~ normal(1, .1);
delta ~ normal(0, .1);
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
xi1_init ~ beta(2, 2);
y_tm1_init ~ normal(0, .1);

// likelihood is really easy here!
target += sum(log(f));

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Sorry, can’t answer now, maybe @mcol is not busy and can help?

I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with this type of models and I’m very short on time. Perhaps the answer to this post will set you on the right path. Otherwise I suppose @James_Savage will have the answer ready.

If total log likelihood is sum(log(f)) then individual terms of the log likelihood are log(f)

generated quantities {
  vector [T] log_lik = log(f);

Thank you for the attention Mr. @avehtari.
I have read your article entitled “WAIC and cross-validation in Stan”. Is the log_lik that you proposed in that formula (log_lik = log(f)) has the same mean with log-predictive density (for computing waic)?

In the first message you mention log-likelihood and the code wrote computes log-likelihood.

The computed term is \log p(y_i|\theta^{(s)}) which both the log likelihood evaluated with given certain parameter values \theta^{(s)} and the log predictive density given certain parameter values \theta^{(s)} and certain observation y_i. See more in Practical Bayesian model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and
. It’s better to use PSIS-LOO than WAIC, as PSIS-LOO is more robust and has better diagnostics as demonstrated in that paper.