Gaussian process in detection component of occupancy model greatly influences occupancy probabilities


I’m currently working on an occupancy model where I am modeling the number of detections with a Poisson detection model instead of a binary detection model. Roughly, for site i \in \{ 1, 2, \dots, \textrm{n_site} \}, z_i \sim \textrm{Bernoulli} ( \psi), where \psi is the occupancy probability and for survey j \in \{ 1, 2, \dots, \textrm{n_survey} \}, the detection history is modeled as y_{ij} \sim \textrm{Poisson} ( z_i \times \lambda_{ij}), where y_{ij} is a positive integer or 0 and \lambda_{ij} are the site-and-survey specific detection rates. Of course, to fit this model in Stan the discrete occupancy states z_i are marginalised out.

The full model is a bit more complicated than this, as sites are nested within regions. For the occupancy probabilities, I am modeling the region-specific occupancy probabilities with a Gaussian random effect on the log odds of \psi. I’m also interested in temporal and spatial variation in \lambda_{ij}. This model runs quite well without many divergent transitions (<1%) and posterior predictions match the observed data well.

Now, something interesting happens with the occupancy probabilities when I model the log detection rates with site-specific random effects through a Gaussian process. First, if I completely ignore site-level variation in the detection rates, my region-specific occupancy probabilities look like this:

When I add noncentered site-level Gaussian random effects (with region-level standard deviations log_lambda_spat_s[r]) to the log detection rate like so:

\\ ...
for (r in 1:n_region) {
  vector[n_site[r]] log_lambda_spat = log_lambda_spat_s[r] * log_lambda_z[1:n_site[r], r];
\\ ...

My region-specific occupancy probabilities look similar and sensible:

However, when I add noncentered site-level random effects through a Gaussian process using the sites-specific UTM coordinates like this, where log_lambda_spat_s[r] are the region-specific marginal SDs and log_lambda_spat_l[r] are region-specific length-scales with inverse Gamma priors:

\\ ...
for (r in 1:n_region) {
  log_lambda_spat = cholesky_decompose(add_diag(
                                       gp_exp_quad_cov(utm[r, 1:n_site[r]], log_lambda_spat_s[r], log_lambda_spat_l[r]), 
                    * log_lambda_z[1:n_site[r], r];
\\ ...

There is a big impact on my occupancy probabilities:

So, it appears that incorporating spatial site-level variation through a Gaussian process has a big influence on my occupancy probabilities and they look totally different than when the site-level variation is just modeled as Gaussian random effects. I don’t think I’ve really mis-specified anything, but I’ll add the full model code below just in case. However, I definitely seem to have the problem isolated to the addition of spatial random effects as opposed to just Gaussian random effects.

Is this expected behaviour of a GP, or is there something obviously causing this? I realise it’s not that much of a Stan-specific issue, but I couldn’t think of where else to pose the question.

Model code:

functions {
   * Log probability of partial sum over regions of continuous-time occupancy model
   * @param seq_region               Sequence of regions from 1 to n_region
   * @param start                    Start of seq_region for partial sum
   * @param end                      End of seq_region for partial sum
   * @param y                        Detection history
   * @param q                        Number of detections per site
   * @param n_site                   Number of sites per region
   * @param n_survey_max             Maximum number of possible "surveys" (night hours) in detection history
   * @param n_survey                 Number of "surveys" (night hours) per site
   * @param n_date                   Number of dates in detection history
   * @param n_hour                   Maximum number of hours per night
   * @param log_tau                  Log time of "survey" expressed as log number of hours per "survey" per site
   * @param surveys                  Indices of "surveys" conducted per site
   * @param utm                      UTM coordinates per site
   * @param logit_psi_a              Log odds occupancy intercept
   * @param logit_psi_region         Region effects on log odds occupancy
   * @param log_lambda_a             Log hourly detection (call) rate intercept
   * @param log_lambda_region        Region effects on log hourly detection (call) rate
   * @param log_lambda_spat_s        Marginal SDs of spatial Gaussian process (GP) on log hourly detection (call) rate per region
   * @param log_lambda_spat_l        Length scales of spatial GP on log hourly detection (call) rate per region
   * @param log_lambda_spat_l_prior  Inverse gamma shape and scale parameters for length scales of spatial GP per region
   * @param log_lambda_z             z-scores of sites for spatial GPs
   * @param log_lambda_date          Date-level multivariate GP realisations per date and region
   * @param log_lambda_hour          Hour-level multivariate GP realisations per hour and region
   * @param nb                       Binary indicating whether calls are modeled with negative binomial (nb = 1) or Poisson (nb = 0) distribution
   * @param alpha                    Flexibility parameters of negative binomial distribution per region
   * @return           Log probability for subset of regions
  real partial_sum_lpmf(
    data array[] int seq_region, data int start, data int end, 
    data array[,,] int y, data array[,] int q, data array[] int n_site, int n_survey_max, data array[,] int n_survey, 
    data int n_date, data int n_hour, data array[] matrix log_tau, data array[,,] int surveys, data array[,] vector utm,
    real logit_psi_a, vector logit_psi_region, real log_lambda_a, vector log_lambda_region, 
    vector log_lambda_spat_s, vector log_lambda_spat_l, matrix log_lambda_spat_l_prior, matrix log_lambda_z, 
    matrix log_lambda_date, matrix log_lambda_hour, 
    data int nb, vector alpha) {
      // initialise partial target
      real ptarget = 0;
      for (r in start:end) {
        // initialise occupancy probabilities and hourly call rates and spatial GP
        vector[n_site[r]] psi, log_psi, log1m_psi, log_lambda_spat;
        matrix[n_survey_max, n_site[r]] log_lambda;
        // occupancy probabilities
        psi = rep_vector(inv_logit(logit_psi_a + logit_psi_region[r]), n_site[r]);
        log_psi = log(psi);
        log1m_psi = log1m(psi);
        // spatial GP of call rates
        ptarget += exponential_lupdf(log_lambda_spat_s[r] | 1);
        ptarget += inv_gamma_lupdf(log_lambda_spat_l[r] | log_lambda_spat_l_prior[1, r], log_lambda_spat_l_prior[2, r]);
        ptarget += std_normal_lupdf(log_lambda_z[1:n_site[r], r]);
        log_lambda_spat = log_lambda_spat_s[r] * log_lambda_z[1:n_site[r], r]; // Gaussian effects
        // log_lambda_spat = cholesky_decompose(add_diag(gp_exp_quad_cov(utm[r, 1:n_site[r]], log_lambda_spat_s[r], log_lambda_spat_l[r]), 1e-9)) * log_lambda_z[1:n_site[r], r]; // GP effects
        // hourly call rates
        log_lambda = rep_matrix(log_lambda_a + log_lambda_region[r], n_survey_max, n_site[r]);
        log_lambda += rep_matrix(log_lambda_spat, n_survey_max)';
        log_lambda += rep_matrix(to_vector(rep_matrix(log_lambda_date[:, r], n_hour)') + to_vector(rep_matrix(log_lambda_hour[:, r], n_date)), n_site[r]);
        log_lambda += log_tau[r][:, 1:n_site[r]];
        // flexibility parameter of negative binomial
        ptarget += pc_nb_lupdf(alpha[r] | 1);
        real phi = 1 / alpha[r];
        // likelihood
        for (s in 1:n_site[r]) {
          if (nb) {
            if (q[r, s] > 0) {
              ptarget += log_psi[s] + neg_binomial_2_log_lupmf(y[r, s, surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]]] | log_lambda[surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]], s], phi);
            } else {
              ptarget += log_sum_exp(log_psi[s] + neg_binomial_2_log_lupmf(y[r, s, surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]]] | log_lambda[surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]], s], phi), log1m_psi[s]);
          } else {
            if (q[r, s] > 0) {
              ptarget += log_psi[s] + poisson_log_lupmf(y[r, s, surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]]] | log_lambda[surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]], s]);
            } else {
              ptarget += log_sum_exp(log_psi[s] + poisson_log_lupmf(y[r, s, surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]]] | log_lambda[surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]], s]), log1m_psi[s]);
        } // s
      } // r
      return ptarget;

   * Return a vector of gamma prior parameters where the probability mass is contained
   * within pre-specified lower and upper bounds, using Stan's algebraic solver. See
   * @param params_guess  Best guess of the shape and scale for the solver to start
   * @param theta         Lower and upper bounds of input
   * @param tails         Lower and upper bounds of probability mass
   * @param x_i           Integer array (must be included even if empty)
   * @return  Vector of inverse gamma shapes
  vector inv_gamma_prior(vector guess, vector theta, array[] real tails, array[] int x_i) {
    vector[2] params;
    params[1] = inv_gamma_cdf(theta[1] | guess[1], guess[2]) - tails[1];
    params[2] = inv_gamma_cdf(theta[2] | guess[1], guess[2]) - tails[2];
    return params;

   * Log of the density of the approximate penalised complexity (PC) prior for the flexibility parameter,
   * parameterised as alpha = 1 / phi, of the negative binomial distribution.
   * See:
   * @param lambda   Scaling parameter
   * @param alpha    Flexibility parameter of the negative binomial distribution
   * @return  Log probability density, dropping constant additive terms
  real pc_nb_lpdf(real alpha, real lambda) {
    real sqrt_alpha = sqrt(alpha);
    return log(lambda) - log(sqrt_alpha) - lambda * sqrt_alpha;
	// get number of correlation from the number of dimensions
	int n_cor(int n_dim) {
	  return n_dim * (n_dim - 1) / 2;
   * Vector of correlations from lower triangular Cholesky factor of correlation matrix
   * @param Omega_L  Lower triangular Cholesky factor of correlation matrix
   * @return  Vector of correlations
  // get vector of correlations from lower triangular Cholesky factor of correlation matrix
  vector cors(matrix Omega_L) {
    int n_dim = rows(Omega_L);
    int n_rho = n_cor(n_dim);
    vector[n_rho] rho;
    matrix[n_dim, n_dim] Omega = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(Omega_L);
    int r = 1;
    for (k in 1:(n_dim - 1)) {
      for (kk in (k + 1):n_dim) {
        rho[r] = Omega[k, kk];
        r = r + 1;
    return rho;

data {
  int n_region, n_site_max, n_survey_max, n_date, n_hour, grainsize, nb;
  array[n_region] int<lower=1> n_site;
  array[n_region, n_site_max] int n_survey;
  array[n_region] matrix[n_site_max, n_survey_max] tau;
  array[n_region, n_site_max, n_survey_max] int surveys, y;
  array[n_region, n_site_max] vector[2] utm;
  matrix<lower=0>[n_region, 2] dist;

transformed data {
  array[n_region] matrix[n_survey_max, n_site_max] log_tau;
  array[n_region, n_site_max] int q;
  for (r in 1:n_region) {
    log_tau[r] = log(tau[r])';
    for (s in 1:n_site[r]) {
      q[r, s] = sum(y[r, s, surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]]]);
  array[n_region] int seq_region = linspaced_int_array(n_region, 1, n_region);
  array[n_date] real dates = linspaced_array(n_date, 1, n_date);
  array[n_hour] real hours = linspaced_array(n_hour, 1, n_hour);
  array[2] real tails = { 0.01, 0.99 };
  array[0] int x_i;
  matrix[2, n_region] log_lambda_spat_l_prior;
  for (r in 1:n_region) {
    log_lambda_spat_l_prior[:, r] = algebra_solver_newton(inv_gamma_prior, [1, 1]', dist[r]', tails, x_i);
  matrix[2, 2] theta = [ [1, 1], [n_date, n_hour] ];
  matrix[2, 2] log_lambda_temp_l_prior;
  for (i in 1:2) {
    log_lambda_temp_l_prior[:, i] = algebra_solver_newton(inv_gamma_prior, [1, 1]', theta[:, i], tails, x_i);
  print("log_lambda_spat_l_prior: ", log_lambda_spat_l_prior);
  print("log_lambda_temp_l_prior: ", log_lambda_temp_l_prior);

parameters {
  real<lower=0, upper=1> psi_a;
  real<lower=0> logit_psi_t;
  vector[n_region] logit_psi_z;
  real<lower=0> lambda_a;
  real<lower=0> log_lambda_t;
  // real log_lambda_spat_s_m;
  // real<lower=0> log_lambda_spat_s_t;
  vector<lower=0>[n_region] log_lambda_spat_s, log_lambda_spat_l;
  matrix<lower=0>[n_region, 2] log_lambda_temp_s;
  vector<lower=0>[2] log_lambda_temp_l;
  array[2] cholesky_factor_corr[n_region] log_lambda_temp_O_L;
  tuple(vector[n_region], vector[n_region], matrix[n_site_max, n_region], matrix[n_date, n_region], matrix[n_hour, n_region]) log_lambda_z;
  vector<lower=0>[n_region] alpha;

transformed parameters {
  real logit_psi_a = logit(psi_a);
  vector[n_region] logit_psi_region = logit_psi_t * logit_psi_z;
  real log_lambda_a = log(lambda_a);
  vector[n_region] log_lambda_region = log_lambda_t * log_lambda_z.1;
  // vector[n_region] log_lambda_spat_s = exp(log_lambda_spat_s_m + log_lambda_spat_s_t * log_lambda_z.2);
  matrix[n_date, n_region] log_lambda_date = cholesky_decompose(add_diag(gp_exp_quad_cov(dates, 1, log_lambda_temp_l[1]), 1e-9)) * log_lambda_z.4 * diag_pre_multiply(log_lambda_temp_s[:, 1], log_lambda_temp_O_L[1])';
  matrix[n_hour, n_region] log_lambda_hour = cholesky_decompose(add_diag(gp_exp_quad_cov(hours, 1, log_lambda_temp_l[2]), 1e-9)) * log_lambda_z.5 * diag_pre_multiply(log_lambda_temp_s[:, 2], log_lambda_temp_O_L[2])';

model {
  // occupancy priors
  target += beta_lupdf(psi_a | 1, 1);
  target += exponential_lupdf(logit_psi_t | 1);
  target += std_normal_lupdf(logit_psi_z);

  // detection priors
  target += exponential_lupdf(lambda_a | 1);
  target += exponential_lupdf(log_lambda_t | 1);
  // target += std_normal_lupdf(log_lambda_spat_s_m);
  // target += exponential_lupdf(log_lambda_spat_s_t | 1);
  target += exponential_lupdf(to_vector(log_lambda_temp_s) | 1);
  for (i in 1:2) {
    target += inv_gamma_lupdf(log_lambda_temp_l[i] | log_lambda_temp_l_prior[1, i], log_lambda_temp_l_prior[2, i]);
    target += lkj_corr_cholesky_lpdf(log_lambda_temp_O_L[i] | 2);
  target += std_normal_lupdf(log_lambda_z.1);
  target += std_normal_lupdf(log_lambda_z.2);
  target += std_normal_lupdf(to_vector(log_lambda_z.4));
  target += std_normal_lupdf(to_vector(log_lambda_z.5));

  // likelihood
  target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_region, grainsize, 
                       y, q, n_site, n_survey_max, n_survey, 
                       n_date, n_hour, log_tau, surveys, utm, 
                       logit_psi_a, logit_psi_region, log_lambda_a, log_lambda_region, 
                       log_lambda_spat_s, log_lambda_spat_l, log_lambda_spat_l_prior, log_lambda_z.3, 
                       log_lambda_date, log_lambda_hour, 
                       nb, alpha);

generated quantities {
  array[2] vector[n_cor(n_region)] log_lambda_temp_rho;
  for (i in 1:2) {
    log_lambda_temp_rho[i] = cors(log_lambda_temp_O_L[i]);
  matrix[n_site_max, n_region] log_lambda_spat = rep_matrix(0, n_site_max, n_region);
  vector[sum(n_site)] log_lik = rep_vector(0, sum(n_site));
    for (r in 1:n_region) {
      vector[n_site[r]] psi, log_psi, log1m_psi;
      matrix[n_survey_max, n_site[r]] log_lambda;
      psi = rep_vector(inv_logit(logit_psi_a + logit_psi_region[r]), n_site[r]);
      log_psi = log(psi);
      log1m_psi = log1m(psi);
      // log_lambda_spat[1:n_site[r], r] = cholesky_decompose(add_diag(gp_exp_quad_cov(utm[r, 1:n_site[r]], log_lambda_spat_s[r], log_lambda_spat_l[r]), 1e-9)) * log_lambda_z.3[1:n_site[r], r];
      log_lambda_spat[1:n_site[r], r] = log_lambda_spat_s[r] * log_lambda_z.3[1:n_site[r], r];
      log_lambda = rep_matrix(rep_vector(log_lambda_a + log_lambda_region[r], n_survey_max), n_site[r]);
      log_lambda += rep_matrix(log_lambda_spat[1:n_site[r], r], n_survey_max)';
      log_lambda += rep_matrix(to_vector(rep_matrix(log_lambda_date[:, r], n_hour)') + to_vector(rep_matrix(log_lambda_hour[:, r], n_date)), n_site[r]);
      log_lambda += log_tau[r][:, 1:n_site[r]];
      real phi = 1 / alpha[r];
      for (s in 1:n_site[r]) {
        int i = sum(n_site[1:r]) - n_site[r] + s;
        if (nb) {
          if (q[r, s] > 0) {
            log_lik[i] += log_psi[s] + neg_binomial_2_log_lpmf(y[r, s, surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]]] | log_lambda[surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]], s], phi);
          } else {
            log_lik[i] += log_sum_exp(log_psi[s] + neg_binomial_2_log_lpmf(y[r, s, surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]]] | log_lambda[surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]], s], phi), log1m_psi[s]);
        } else {
          if (q[r, s] > 0) {
            log_lik[i] += log_psi[s] + poisson_log_lpmf(y[r, s, surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]]] | log_lambda[surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]], s]);
          } else {
            log_lik[i] += log_sum_exp(log_psi[s] + poisson_log_lpmf(y[r, s, surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]]] | log_lambda[surveys[r, s, 1:n_survey[r, s]], s]), log1m_psi[s]);



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You can test your code by fixing the length scale to a small value, so that the covariance matrix is essentially diagonal. If that works, you can then try using just one lengthscale as it is possible that there is not enough information to identify it well.

Thanks for your quick response. As expected, fixing the length-scale to small values has the expected effect of giving near identical results as the non-GP site-random effects model. I suppose I’m just surprised that the introduction of the GP has such a strong effect on the occupancy (essentially zero-inflation) parameters themselves. I had a look at some posterior correlations between the region effects on occupancy and the region-specific length scales of the GP, but nothing really jumped out at me. I suppose I’ll just omit the spatial GP, but I’d love to get a better understanding of why this is happening. FWIW, the priors of the length-scales are inverse gamma with the [0.01, 0.99] tail probabilities corresponding to the minimum and maximum site distances observed for each region, as per Betancourt’s GP case study.

Having the most of the prior mass in that range makes sense, but inverse-gamma can have unexpected shape and thus unexpected effect on the posterior. It would be good to make a prior sensitivity analysis. As the length scale posterior is usually weakly informed by the likelihood, it’s likely to be prior sensitive, and in your case it’s better to look at the sensitivity to your quantity of interest, occupancy probability.c