Fitting time-series issues

I am trying to fit a consumer-resource model old and common in ecology in Stan, but struggling to get any of the parameter values returned. I have never done time-series in Stan so fear I am doing something quite obvious wrong, but have struggled to figure out what.

Below is the R and Stan code, any help appreciated.


# Set up the data
p <- list(r = .05, K = 2, Q = 5, H = .38, sigma = .01, a = 0.023, N = 1e4)
growth <- function(x, p) x * p$r * (1 - x / p$K)
consumption <- function(x,p) p$a * x ^ p$Q / (x^p$Q + p$H^p$Q)
# Define stochastic model in BUGS notation
may  <- nimble::nimbleCode({
  x[1] <- x0
  for(t in 1:(N-1)){
    mu[t] <- x[t] + x[t] * r * (1 - x[t] / K)  - a * x[t] ^ Q / (x[t] ^ Q + H ^ Q)
    y[t+1] ~ dnorm(mu[t], sd = sigma)
    x[t+1] <- max(y[t+1],0)
model <- nimbleModel(may,constants = p, inits = list(x0 = 0.2))
cmodel <- compileNimble(model)

dat <- list(x=x, N = length(x))

mod1 = stan('ghostfit.stan', data = dat,
               chains=4, iter = 2000, cores=4)

And the Stan code:

// Fitting mechanistic model (May 1976)
data {
  int<lower=1> N; 
	vector[N] x; // response

parameters {
  real<lower=0.049, upper=0.051> r; // I realize this is bad, but not the problem I think ...
  real<lower=1.9, upper=2.1> K; // ibid
  real<lower=0> Q;  
  real<lower=0> H;   
  real<lower=0> a;   
  real<lower=0> x0;
  real<lower=0> sigma;   

model {	
   real mu[N];
   // x[1] = x0;
   for(t in 1:(N-1)){
            mu[t] =  x[t] + x[t] * r * (1 - x[t] / K)  - a * x[t] ^ Q / (x[t] ^ Q + H ^ Q);
            x[t+1] ~ lognormal(mu[t], sigma);
    Q ~ normal(5, 0.1);
    H ~ normal(0.38, 0.1);
    a ~ normal(0.0233, 0.1);
    sigma ~ normal(0.01, 0.001);
    x0 ~ normal(0, 1);


I don’t see how the Stan script would fail to produce parameter results(though x0 is independent of the data).

I’m not familiar with nimble, but isn’t dnorm in BUGS the normal distribution? In the nimble code you have

y[t+1] ~ dnorm(mu[t], sd = sigma)

but in the stancode you have the lognormal distribution…

And, as @yizhang wrote, why is

// x[1] = x0;

commented out?