I am trying to fit a consumer-resource model old and common in ecology in Stan, but struggling to get any of the parameter values returned. I have never done time-series in Stan so fear I am doing something quite obvious wrong, but have struggled to figure out what.
Below is the R and Stan code, any help appreciated.
# Set up the data
p <- list(r = .05, K = 2, Q = 5, H = .38, sigma = .01, a = 0.023, N = 1e4)
growth <- function(x, p) x * p$r * (1 - x / p$K)
consumption <- function(x,p) p$a * x ^ p$Q / (x^p$Q + p$H^p$Q)
# Define stochastic model in BUGS notation
may <- nimble::nimbleCode({
x[1] <- x0
for(t in 1:(N-1)){
mu[t] <- x[t] + x[t] * r * (1 - x[t] / K) - a * x[t] ^ Q / (x[t] ^ Q + H ^ Q)
y[t+1] ~ dnorm(mu[t], sd = sigma)
x[t+1] <- max(y[t+1],0)
model <- nimbleModel(may,constants = p, inits = list(x0 = 0.2))
cmodel <- compileNimble(model)
dat <- list(x=x, N = length(x))
mod1 = stan('ghostfit.stan', data = dat,
chains=4, iter = 2000, cores=4)
And the Stan code:
// Fitting mechanistic model (May 1976)
data {
int<lower=1> N;
vector[N] x; // response
parameters {
real<lower=0.049, upper=0.051> r; // I realize this is bad, but not the problem I think ...
real<lower=1.9, upper=2.1> K; // ibid
real<lower=0> Q;
real<lower=0> H;
real<lower=0> a;
real<lower=0> x0;
real<lower=0> sigma;
model {
real mu[N];
// x[1] = x0;
for(t in 1:(N-1)){
mu[t] = x[t] + x[t] * r * (1 - x[t] / K) - a * x[t] ^ Q / (x[t] ^ Q + H ^ Q);
x[t+1] ~ lognormal(mu[t], sigma);
Q ~ normal(5, 0.1);
H ~ normal(0.38, 0.1);
a ~ normal(0.0233, 0.1);
sigma ~ normal(0.01, 0.001);
x0 ~ normal(0, 1);