Finite mixture Gaussian models initialization failed

Brief Description of the Problem

Hello, I need to fit a finite mixture of Gaussian models with the weights depend on predictors via a polytomous generalization of the logit link, i.e. the weight for each observation is :

pi = softmax(x*beta)

for each class (Gaussian). I have coded the model and below is the stan code:
N is total number of observations
Q is number of normals
K is number of predictors.

model = "
data {
    int N;
    int K;
    int Q;
    vector[N] y;
    matrix[N,K] X;
    vector[Q] means;
    vector<lower=0>[Q] sds;

    matrix[K,Q] beta;

transformed parameters{
    simplex[Q] pi[N];
    vector[Q] pi_logit[N];

    for(n in 1:N){
        pi[n] = softmax(pi_logit[n]);

    for(n in 1:N){
        for(q in 1:Q){
            pi_logit[n,q] = X[n]*beta[1:K,q];

    vector[Q] lp_nq[N];
    vector[N] lp_n;

    for(q in 1:Q){
        beta[1:K,q] ~ normal(0,3);

    for(n in 1:N){
        for(q in 1:Q){
            lp_nq[n,q] = log(pi[n,q]) + normal_lpdf(y[n] | means[q], sds[q]);
    lp_n[n] = log_sum_exp(lp_nq[n]);
    target += sum(lp_n);

The error is:

SAMPLING FOR MODEL ‘a1c9203faf153761790eac1af7adc304’ NOW (CHAIN 1).
Rejecting initial value:
Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
validate transformed params: pi[k0__] is not a valid simplex. sum(pi[k0__]) = nan, but should be 1
Rejecting initial value:
Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
validate transformed params: pi[k0__] is not a valid simplex. sum(pi[k0__]) = nan, but should be 1
Rejecting initial value:

I am pretty sure that I have the right likelihood setup and the error comes from the weights, pi.
I have also provided the simulation data below.
Can anyone find any mistakes in the model?

beta1 = c(0.8, 1.2, 0.5, rep(0, 18))
beta2 = c(0.3, rep(0, 17), -1, 1.7, -2)
beta3 = c(0.3, 1, -2, 0.8, 0.9, rep(0, 16))
beta4 = rep(0,21)
beta = cbind(beta1, beta2, beta3, beta4)

n = 3000; Q = 4
x = rnorm(21*n)
xs = matrix(x, n)
pi.num = exp(xs %*% beta) # Numerator of pi
pi.den = apply(pi.num, 1, sum) # Denominator of pi, sum by row.
pis = pi.num/pi.den; colnames(pis) = c(1:4) # pi --- logit link

ind = rep(NA, n)
for (i in 1:n){
    poo = rmultinom(1, 1, pis[i,])
    ind[i] = row.names(poo)[poo==1]
ind = as.numeric(ind)

mu = c(0.58,0.44,0.38,0.2);# mu = rev(mu)
prec = c(43.49,78.32,101.95,45.71)
sigma = sqrt(1/prec); #sigma = rev(sigma)
y = rnorm(n, mu[ind], sigma[ind])

dat = list(y = y, X = xs, Q = 4, K = 21, N=3000, means = mu, sds = sigma)

You use pi_logit before you define it in the transformed parameter block. I think if you switch the order of defining pi and defining pi_logit, the initialization will work.

Hey stijn,

Thanks for replaying. I tried to switch the order of defining these two parameters just now but the same error occurs. I think the problem is the calculation for pi_logit. If I treat pi_logit as a parameter and set

pi_logit[n,q] ~ logistic(X[n]*beta[1:K,q],1)

in the model chunk, then the code works. So I think the problem might be the calculation for pi_logit.

Just so we are are on the same page, your transformed parameter block looks like this now?

transformed parameters{
    simplex[Q] pi[N];
    vector[Q] pi_logit[N];

    for(n in 1:N){
        for(q in 1:Q){
            pi_logit[n,q] = X[n]*beta[1:K,q]; 

    for(n in 1:N){
        pi[n] = softmax(pi_logit[n]);

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Oh I didn’t, I just simply switched the first two lanes in the transformed parameter block.
Now the model works!
Thanks you very much!

Sorry for the confusion. The first two lines declare the parameters, the other lines define the parameters. (Just a convention I picked up from the Stan people, I might be corrected on this).

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